Fever, flu, sorethroat, headache,great combination of not feeling well. Thanks alfi take care of me. Brought me to clinic and dinner together. I feel bless all the times. Cry, cry, cry. This is most candid picture i felt so terrible, worst!. When im busying gossiping bbming with my friend. Keepoochi. Till then, bye. Nitez all.

Tuesday, June 26
Monday, June 25
Hye, ehh..why i'm frequently post at this blog? Haih..so busy with my life right now where every seconds it was fulfill with a lots of activities. On saturday we went to

Jeram, selangor. My friend's wedding..Azira aka zie. Alhamdulillah, she's now be as a
legal wife! Congratulations both of you.
After wedding, alfi, my sis rina and me decided to go to kampung kelip kelip, but we had almost 6 hours before night. So i googled what the interesting place in kuala
selangor that we can visit. And we follow some of the nice venue suggested by google, one of that is bukit malawati. Oh my god, for the first time we ride some sort of train truck and bring us arounds that bukit malawati.
Kelakar sangat with monkey species we found there. I just remember this place as a mighty fortress built by Sultan Ibrahim as an
effort to safeguard the state from Dutch that had conquered Malacca. Oh my history still in good situation! Hehe.
However, after visit this place its still have long hours before night. Alfi and me so tired after just 3 hours we sleep, because of watch spain vs france match that morning. So we decided went back to kl and went to ikea. Yeayy!! Finally i can have pasta and chicken wings ikea. Hee..
Im frustrated at first because really wanted to go to kampung kelip
kelip but alfi promises me, he will bring me to that place in a short time.
My sis and i
Alfi and me
So my weekend was so awesome and make me really miss him so. Ya allah,
Please make ours together and do make him happy with his life. Amin. I wish you will always strong to face all the obstacles sayang. Im here beside you, not to leave you as long as you still wanted me in your life. 😃 amin. Till then, bye.
Thursday, June 21
Almost a week i didnt post anything here. Before this i'm using blogpress application for ipad, and it was after i jailbrake. But it was worst if you jailbrake your apple model. So, alfi formatted again and just have one application for blogger. And you can see trademark for this application at the end of my post. Why i'm babbling about this?
Back to my story after long time didn't post anything. Its sweet and sour tragedy, happens, crushs, and accidents along this month. One sad story happened this month, where was my friend, Hisham Affendi..
Maybe not so many know who is Hisham Affendi. We were officemate when i was joined Aeon Credit. He was joined
earlier than me about one week. So we have to train together. He was handsome boy, smart, kindhearted, respectful, and love to tease everyone. One of them is me! He loves to say 'kak erin sexy and comel'.
He said he want a girlfriend like me, he younger than me 3years. So at that department, everyone he called kakak. I make it short, on last sunday i got news that he admitted to icu at hospital ampang because of complication of his brain. He kept complaint about his migraine and eventually it just not a migraine, it was cancer!
He fainted and in unconcious situation, i'm so sorry.. I cannot make it to see you for the last time. It was regret!
Im really sad, in just one day you were far away from ours.
Sadly depress when im thinking of you.
Ya allah, please make Hisham Affendi as the one of your taqwa and faith peoples. Make him rest in peace at your jannah ya allah.
Memories with you, i will never forget about that. Your jokes, your words, your laughs, all this still fresh in my mind.
I realized now, how the power of Allah never ever counted who, when and where.
Kun fayakun, saya sangat takut dengan Mu.
Dead will comes to everyone, without notice or reminder.
Now im so realized.
Saturday, June 16
Hye, astro supersport already subscribed by my housemate. Yeayy!! I ask e.j to
subscribe that.Hehe..susahlah nak tengok euro if tak de supersport. Local tv just show for the boring game. Very dissapointed when england vs france at that time i'm ready waiting for the game, suddenly they are no live for that match. Haihh..sedih! Siap dah get ready with oldtown white coffee and one packet of biscuits.
And now im waiting for the england game. Yeayy!!
I just wondering with this situation.
" kenapa perempuan suka labelkan perempuan lain sebagai betina? Bukan ke betina tu untuk haiwan? Asalkan saya pun labelkan haiwan gender betina pun perempuan. Hehe..
Betina tu nampak macam slut sangat heh? If ada perempuan lain sakitkan hati
perempuan, dia layak dipanggil betina? Haihh..kesian.
Dia tak belajar kat sekolah dulu untuk labelkan perempuan dan betina.
Tak baik labelkan manusia tu betina, betina tu untuk haiwan."
Like my friend said,
"cantik tu dipandang dari segi komunikasi kita, berbudi bahasa dan sopan santun
pekerti, if percakapan kita buruk, as well as diri kita indirectly tak cantik."
I admire her.. Yes, her! Picture shown below. She had a very beautiful hair.
Thursday, June 14
white man
Basically i didn't love english man. Because they are white man, i'm not crush into white man. For me white man is less attractive compare to asian man. Hee.. However people changed. I fell in love with rob pattinson, yang cerita twilight. Hee..dia sangatlah melted me bila dia senyum. Nice body!
Second, andy carroll, liverpool player. Dia sangatlah besar, tinggi, dan ada senyuman yang sangat comel. With his long hair, dia nampak sempoii.
Third is Chris hemsworth. I just called him Thor, hero dalam filem Thor. Big size, tall dan dia juga ada senyuman yang sangat comel.
Jadi ketiga tiga white man ini ada persamaan iaitu senyuman yang comel.
I'm crazy with a man who have a lure smile.
This is carroll my number 9
Despite he might be not anymore as a liverpool player, i will always into him.
P/s: sebab tu saya suke dengan alfi. Sebab dia ada senyuman yang comel. Hee..even he is not a white man. Luckily!
P/s/s: saya tak kisah orang panggil saya kerempeng or bini popeye. Sebab bini popeye tu suami dia popeye. Popeye tu tough and strong, dia boleh pukul orang yang suka
sakitkan hati saya. Meanwhile , kerempeng tu sebab diaorg jelez saya slim. Diaorang nak badan macam saya. Im proud having kerempengbody, rather than ada kening bercantum then she need to shave and trim it. Kan dah kena ubah
semata-mata nak nampak cantik. Atleast saya natural beauty. Ehh..beauty ke? Im grateful for all the thing Allah created.
Okay till then.
Monday, June 11
friday please come fast
Quality time after long hours works.
I'm always miss u, weekend we spent time together without fail,
And on monday i will started miss you yeahh.. till friday,
I hate when monday comes, we can't see till friday,
I can't wait to see friday!
Everytimes until we legally be as husband and wife
This gonna be my routine.
Waiting for you.
I wish words from our surrounding said we match together and ask to marry quickly is
Counted as a prayer from others and insyaallah,
If God wills, it will happened.
P/s: Spain and England, go okay! I will support this team. Owhh my bad, when it comes to #demambola i will have that kind of disease too.
P/p/s: we had our instagram account now, and what can i say i love captured via
instagram and sorry if my account or alfi account full with my pictures. I will delete
that seem it feel annoys when you always interframe. Hee.. Sorry, i love camwhore.
Saturday, June 9
no title :)
Hye..within 9hours i re-blogging again. Hee..what a boring saturday nite life. I waiting for match tonight, so nothing to do. I read one status on this twitter, this person wrote that "so many person get jealous towards him/her and be hater". Haihh.. funny okay. What is the things him /her so valuable that can someone get jealous and have a jealously feeling. Kelakar. Humans born with different personality, as long as i'm not disturb others human life, thats good!
" you can't force them to love you or want you, but the one day you'll make them realize what they lost"
Saturday, June 2
Ahh..i cried after saw super spontan show. Haihh.. Sangat happy zizan menang, even i didnt get nothing from that happiness, as long as their jokes makes me rolling on the floor. I loves a man full with jokes plus if he have good packages. Hee.. I love both zizan and johan. Yeayy!! Super spontan makes my friday super friiiiidaayyy!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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