Title above is about homework, i got this picture from my bff ayu, i forgot when i gave her this 'homework'? Tadaa...

Ayu said this is my homework, hahaha..if i'm not mistaken i did it because of she not anymore my classmate however i didnt want lose her. So i decided give it to her. Saya sangat sweet okay! I'm the person not easily be friend with someone. Choosy not because of their appearance or whatsoever but i'm choosy with their attitudes.
If i already believe she or he is my bestfriend, i want they feel the same way for me. I can do anything for my bestfriend, even that thing will hurt me. But right now, i can be friend with anyone else. If they can mingle around with me, so i can chill out with them.
When i was seventeen, i got many friends. I love high skool clans very much, i never discriminate peoples. Ada seorang kawan bagitaw yang saya dah tak nak kawan dgn dia sbb saya dah kawan dgn geng popular. Emm..saya tak mcm tulah. Saya kawan dgn sume. I'm so sorry with that girl, maybe dia terasa hati dgn saya.
Kalau boleh, saya nak jaga hati orang semua sekali! But i'm human being, always do mistake. Sorry :( i know they didnt read this, but maybe one day after i died, they will know i wrote this for them. Okay, till then.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
2 'bebelness':
popular eh geng erin? ohh im so blushingg~ haha
anyway, thank u for diz precious note. bezfren 4eva!!
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