Hi! On 9th till 10th which is today i went to RHB learning centre at bangi. Anyway i attended course 'get speaking rights' conducted by malaysia airlines. As it also counted as i was trained by crew malaysia airlines, and i got certificate form them. Yeayy!!!
Get speaking rights is a course which main purpose to make we as a banker to communicate well with customers and educate to talk more with them. Basically its all about customer service as you all know bank is a organisation provides services to clients. Without better services, we won't get a business.
I felt so blessed here with that two trainers. They treat me happily and never said i'm wrong when give an ideas. After course they gave me assessments, so they will know which level you are as a english speaker. And guess what? I got excellence speaker, the highest level. Hahaha.. seronok!
They keep calling my name and keep saying azeren's group. Haihh..and i have to involve myself for give an ideas as much as i can. Rasa macam tak aci lah! However it is terrific! My body sakit2 sebab jawab soalan diaorang..penat sebab pikir jawapan je.
I knew that im not really excellence speaker but what i learnt here was when you speak english you need to make it clear and loud. So it will give you confidence when talks in english. I love to learn languages as many as i can.
Kan best if i able to speak in mandarin or arab very well. I learnt spanish before but till level 2 only..so i wish i can do anything after this. And tadaaaa..after the course im termendously excited to snap a picture with them. 1st time okay buat macam ni. Before this saya tak pernah nak amek pic with any trainer, tapi dgn berdua ni tak. I love them!
Might be my dreams to become stewardess tak kesampaian kan? So saya excited kot. Seriously saya nak sangat jadi stewardess..emm..bergambar pun jadilah..if i can wear high heels definitely i will be a stewardess. Hmm..dont you wish!

Yeayy..course was ended too fast.!! Now i can fly with MAS. Okay..bubye..nunite peoples.. owhh..dont forget tomorrow will be 1 rejab. Selamat berpuasa!
Get speaking rights is a course which main purpose to make we as a banker to communicate well with customers and educate to talk more with them. Basically its all about customer service as you all know bank is a organisation provides services to clients. Without better services, we won't get a business.
I felt so blessed here with that two trainers. They treat me happily and never said i'm wrong when give an ideas. After course they gave me assessments, so they will know which level you are as a english speaker. And guess what? I got excellence speaker, the highest level. Hahaha.. seronok!
They keep calling my name and keep saying azeren's group. Haihh..and i have to involve myself for give an ideas as much as i can. Rasa macam tak aci lah! However it is terrific! My body sakit2 sebab jawab soalan diaorang..penat sebab pikir jawapan je.
I knew that im not really excellence speaker but what i learnt here was when you speak english you need to make it clear and loud. So it will give you confidence when talks in english. I love to learn languages as many as i can.
Kan best if i able to speak in mandarin or arab very well. I learnt spanish before but till level 2 only..so i wish i can do anything after this. And tadaaaa..after the course im termendously excited to snap a picture with them. 1st time okay buat macam ni. Before this saya tak pernah nak amek pic with any trainer, tapi dgn berdua ni tak. I love them!
Might be my dreams to become stewardess tak kesampaian kan? So saya excited kot. Seriously saya nak sangat jadi stewardess..emm..bergambar pun jadilah..if i can wear high heels definitely i will be a stewardess. Hmm..dont you wish!

Yeayy..course was ended too fast.!! Now i can fly with MAS. Okay..bubye..nunite peoples.. owhh..dont forget tomorrow will be 1 rejab. Selamat berpuasa!
posted from Bloggeroid
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