Hyeee..okay pictures above is compilation things happened today. Yeahh today at my workplace I really get surprise from alfi. Story start when I got called from my personal hp..office num which I pretty sure from internal office. Ehh..number rhb ni. Then I guess takkan parcel from poplook dah sampai? Coz just now poplook emailed me inform they will send parcel from melaka by today. Ehh..xkan cepat sangat dah sampai?
However im so excited then selamba jawab kat that receiver yang ohh..ada parcel ehh..kejap heh. Okay..actually pakcik yang duduk kat reception dept depan tu memang kerek. If ada barang sampai suka marah2 maybe dia tak suka dia punya tempat tu macam tempat receiver barang kot. I dont know. Saya dengan senang hati sebab poplook dah dapat yeayy pegilah out of dept.
Then ada this indian man gave me one receipt ask to sign there. Ehh..napa macam lain ni. Saya pun sign laju2 terus mintak my parcel. Then dia bagi a bouquet of roses. Saya pelik..saya cakap..ehh..kenapa bagi bunga ni..untuk sapa..bukan barang poplook ke..dia kata..untuk awaklah..saya pun amek dengan terpinga pinga.then terus masuk dept dengan shy shy cat.
Sumeorang tengok wahh...malunya..besar sgt..malu..malu..first thing in my mind is mesti diaorang akan bahan saya ni..so I hide that roses under my desk. Tapi sbbkan kawan saya ni mulut tak reti diam dia buat announcement. Apa lagi..kena bahan lah..malaznya.
Then I texted alfi..cakap u bagi bunga!!!! Bila baca card yang alfi tulis coz I really know alfi's handwriting..saya rasa sedih..terharu. ayat dia make me feel appreciate by him. Thanks alfi.. seriously compare to alfi, me less do any surprises. Dia full of surprise. Saya tak pandai..
However..once again..thank you sayang. Happy 26th months. I wish we will counting counting and counting again. My panda eyes cepat rasa terharu. Huhuhuk. Tskk tskk tskk. Nitez all.
posted from Bloggeroid
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