I just watched breaking dawn part 2..seriuosly I love this episode. Its something amazing, incredible, romantic, touching and awesome. Even my PMS stay away from me. If you all ask me is it I cried? Yess..proudly suppose I dont have to cry without reason. Everytime I watched twilight saga I will cried. Swear it. Saya ngada2 sebab memang im sentimental person. Okay..part yang I nangis masa last sekali time bella flashback from the start they meet and eventually they married. That time saya nangis. Saya sedih..cerita da abez ke? For sure saya rindu twilight, rob pattinson and bella. The best part yang paling saya suka ialah part bella and Edward dating kat taman tu..sangat indah.. they share stories and dreams together. They means FOREVER. .
I love that place so much...no im never think if im in bella's shoes. Im not soooo hot till two man want you as their choice. Tak pernah berangan jadi bella. Saya berangan dapat cinta sejati mcm bella and edward. That's it. Thats why I never choose jacob as bella's man. To be immortal takkan masuk akal..so just to be FOREVER da cukup buat saya. Okay..mimpi indah malam ini. Nitez twilight.
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