Yeayyy..last nite was superb! That was prayers from all malaysians at the end won over indonesia. Alfi and me at the stadium enjoyed watching the game..However he need to rush for going other place after this game. Hmm..baru one day he going to segamat I'm started missing you. Please drive carefully. I need you.
Okay..on friday alfi and me went to setapak for durian crepe. I already ordered from one of this blogger. Nama dia irma. Hee..sedap! But alfi not soo love it. Because he said..he confuse about the taste.. durian..creme..dan kuih.
Haha..dia orang kampung. Okay..sorry. just kidding. Hmmm...my life completely awesome with everyone arounds me.. I love you all!. Tadaaa...

And yeeayy..happy december good peoples!
posted from Bloggeroid
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