Just from my ofis where rhbians like a mascot for maxis? During my lunch hour we noticed that maxis doing some promotion. Ohh actually it was a survey for their products. Everyone got ballons and gift. So do same with ours. yang funny things was diaorang tak suruh buat survey pun tapi kitaorang volunteer nak buat. Coz of what? Sbb nk dapat gift and ballons.
Tapi I tak okay. I kan shy shy cat..so I tunggu diaorang outside..tak pepasal ada guy yang bwk ballons n gift approached me..terus bagi gift and ballons. First of all he said he give me two ballons (grey color) I said is it okay if I got two? Then he replied dont worry but I will take the green color for you. Saya pun tunggulah..layan je.
Dia bagi green color then I bagi balik grey color tu pada dia. I thought everyone just can take 1ballon for one person. Then he said its okay..I hope this ballons will cheering your life today and everyday. So saya apa lagi..said thanx very much and terus jerit pada my ofismate..yeayyy I got three ballons!
Haha..saya mmg suka ballons..diaorg tak puas hati sbb sy x buat survey tapi dapat ballons. Hehe...thanx to that guy yang cheering my life today with all the ballons and I really love it.
I appreciate everything happens in my life.
posted from Bloggeroid
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