Narrow-minded peoples will talks about other peoples. As a case study below where this people really have bad intention. Funny you know.

She sent request..owhh..what the heck is that? I not even know who she is. So I declined. About a week later I just know about other news. And here it is:

She called me bitchess..please spell it right. Bitch only if you really want to give this title for me. Still I'm not understand why she did it. is 'somebody' with that perempuan. Now I know. Funny okay use another person to fight me..then the worst thing is..

Okay..she overdid. please ya allah..matikan orang orang macam ini from me.Matikan mereka for me..everything they did towards me will be pay back.
Allah will repay it not me..coz I just a slave.
One more things..if really want to suck me out..spell my name nicely. Azeren noor ain everyone will know who really I am. And I will become popular. publicity..and narrow minded peoples like you all just give me happiness rather than suffer from what you all expecting. Okay. Till then bad peoples. Nitez nice peoples.

She sent request..owhh..what the heck is that? I not even know who she is. So I declined. About a week later I just know about other news. And here it is:

She called me bitchess..please spell it right. Bitch only if you really want to give this title for me. Still I'm not understand why she did it. is 'somebody' with that perempuan. Now I know. Funny okay use another person to fight me..then the worst thing is..

Okay..she overdid. please ya allah..matikan orang orang macam ini from me.Matikan mereka for me..everything they did towards me will be pay back.
Allah will repay it not me..coz I just a slave.
One more things..if really want to suck me out..spell my name nicely. Azeren noor ain everyone will know who really I am. And I will become popular. publicity..and narrow minded peoples like you all just give me happiness rather than suffer from what you all expecting. Okay. Till then bad peoples. Nitez nice peoples.
Ohh.. Yes..this is that girl yang kata she is gorgeous. Plus her attitude is like iblis, synchronised her name abaleza. Muka innocent and asli, tapi hati?
Conclusion: semua orang dapat lihat siapa dipihak yang betul dan siapa di pihak yang salah. So jagalah kata kata dan tingkah laku anda. Semua orang dapat nilai. :)
posted from Bloggeroid
6 'bebelness': more..ezeren noor ain...kot la tu nma ko..rilek tk yah nak taksub sgt ngan bf kau tu..and..jgn over sgt..die bukan muhrim kau pun..mcm halal je aku tgok korg ni..kalau hari2 doa bagai tkkan tak knal erti halal haram bila bukan muhrim dear??...
Opsss..lg satu...nmpk sgt kau pun sibuk pasal dorg...kalau kau tk tau and tk campur tkkan kau leh tau and dapt benda ni kan..kan..kan..
Opsss..lg satu...nmpk sgt kau pun sibuk pasal dorg...kalau kau tk tau and tk campur tkkan kau leh tau and dapt benda ni kan..kan..kan..
Ehh..are you the person as i post above? Lah...patutlah..huhuhu.. ask your kazen tu..kawan dia equally to kawan alfi.. so anything what she post,alfi will know it from his friends. Next time private lah dear so nobody cant know what shit you were doing. But i never blame you because you only third party which hear poor stories from one side only. Ehh..dahlah..malazlah.whatever it is thanks for the advices wahai gansta luvin :)
Yup...actually im her kaze...yes i hear only one side..but cukup2 la korg..malau siak gaduh mcm ni..korg memalukan diri sendiri..kau dgn way kau..die dgn way die..setiap org melakukan tk mungkin berkali kali nk lakukan kesilapan yg sama...btul ko jgn kacau atau tulis pasal kazen aku..and aku akan suruh die tkkan swbut pun pasal kau...
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