Hye..arini 1st february and it's holiday you alls! Hee..before this my officemate planned to go to tioman island as my previous post. But it was cancelled because we no budget. Hee..eh..banker pun no budget ke?
Hehe..tak dapat bonus lagi meh..grrr..geram.
At last we decided go to sunway lagoon. Yang penting ada sand plus water as a replacement for tioman. Hee..tapi kiteorang pergi bertiga je.
Yang paling best sebab i tried for flying fox. Best. Bungy jump kena ada rm100++. So budget pun tak cukup kan untuk benda tu. Ahhh..i really want to do that. Extreme park semua saya try except bungy jump and gforce. Tak pelah tak de rezeki.
Overall best! Ala sebelum ni pun dah pernah pergi so tak expect pape unless flying fox tu. Thee...saya dah tak gayat. Not like when i was seven..menangis giler2 nak naik jejantas train. So phobia sekarang yang masih ada adalah water phobia. Haihhh..bila boleh swim ni.?
Saya rarely girls day out..and im happy with all my sisters cum officemates. Thank you very much for all the happiness. Yang paling best sebab officemate saya ni suka capture pictures candid. Zaida suka sangat klik2 banyak kali.
Then hasilnya...tadaaaaa...sume macam papetah. Mukegilerexcited. Sangat2 giler.
Okay. Hasil tangkapan hari ini..takde muka officemate sebab diaorang censored. Hehehe.

Okay..my house takde tempat macam ni plus xde langsir macam ni. Gilerexcited. Dah macam clip video romantic plak saya bayangkan.
Eventually good nitez peoples..saya penat sangat. Oppsss..alfi,i love you. :)
Hehe..tak dapat bonus lagi meh..grrr..geram.
At last we decided go to sunway lagoon. Yang penting ada sand plus water as a replacement for tioman. Hee..tapi kiteorang pergi bertiga je.
Yang paling best sebab i tried for flying fox. Best. Bungy jump kena ada rm100++. So budget pun tak cukup kan untuk benda tu. Ahhh..i really want to do that. Extreme park semua saya try except bungy jump and gforce. Tak pelah tak de rezeki.
Overall best! Ala sebelum ni pun dah pernah pergi so tak expect pape unless flying fox tu. Thee...saya dah tak gayat. Not like when i was seven..menangis giler2 nak naik jejantas train. So phobia sekarang yang masih ada adalah water phobia. Haihhh..bila boleh swim ni.?
Saya rarely girls day out..and im happy with all my sisters cum officemates. Thank you very much for all the happiness. Yang paling best sebab officemate saya ni suka capture pictures candid. Zaida suka sangat klik2 banyak kali.
Then hasilnya...tadaaaaa...sume macam papetah. Mukegilerexcited. Sangat2 giler.
Okay. Hasil tangkapan hari ini..takde muka officemate sebab diaorang censored. Hehehe.

Okay..my house takde tempat macam ni plus xde langsir macam ni. Gilerexcited. Dah macam clip video romantic plak saya bayangkan.
Eventually good nitez peoples..saya penat sangat. Oppsss..alfi,i love you. :)
posted from Bloggeroid
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