Life is like a kite. Sometimes when the strong winds blow up, the more high a kite fly. Furthermore when the natural winds blow up, a kite will stay fly at their place and just fly follow the winds. We can assume the winds as a challengers and obstacles. More strong winds, more tough we try to save a kite. Challengers can be whether good or bad. So we can take it as bittersweet of life.
Nut shell i will never ever terhasut dengan lalang lalang yang penyibuk singgah di journal i ni. If tak suka baca..boleh close the window. I never invite readers to read my journal. I need to private my blog i thought. Lalang yang macam menyemak je tu please lah get off from here. I never ever disturb others life so please MYOB.
I didnt classified myself as a pious woman in this world of allah creatures. Never ever. I did sins too and because of that i'm not as suci murni kat dunia ni. I never tell others is it i did prayers or not. Peoples at my surroundings judges me and allah judge me.. so you as a lalang..tak payah judge didnt even know me well.
What's your name actually? Owhh..tak perlu kot tahu. Cuba tengok diri tu sendiri sebelum nak memekak bising kat my journal ni. I didnt need you in my life :) . Owhh..okaylah..thanks for the advices so far :) i appreciates..really :)

And eventually, hey..biarlah saya nak bercinta ke ape ke..nak terbunting ke ape ke..nak ape2lah..awak ibu saya ke yang preggy me for 9months? Biarlah saya nak said i love you to alfi shahrin as millions time or not. Awak 1st wife dia ke sampai muak membaca. Warning once again. If muak click pangakh kat right side corner atas tu. If tak tahu i can teach you how to do :) k..mornight beautiful peoples :)
Nut shell i will never ever terhasut dengan lalang lalang yang penyibuk singgah di journal i ni. If tak suka baca..boleh close the window. I never invite readers to read my journal. I need to private my blog i thought. Lalang yang macam menyemak je tu please lah get off from here. I never ever disturb others life so please MYOB.
I didnt classified myself as a pious woman in this world of allah creatures. Never ever. I did sins too and because of that i'm not as suci murni kat dunia ni. I never tell others is it i did prayers or not. Peoples at my surroundings judges me and allah judge me.. so you as a lalang..tak payah judge didnt even know me well.
What's your name actually? Owhh..tak perlu kot tahu. Cuba tengok diri tu sendiri sebelum nak memekak bising kat my journal ni. I didnt need you in my life :) . Owhh..okaylah..thanks for the advices so far :) i appreciates..really :)

And eventually, hey..biarlah saya nak bercinta ke ape ke..nak terbunting ke ape ke..nak ape2lah..awak ibu saya ke yang preggy me for 9months? Biarlah saya nak said i love you to alfi shahrin as millions time or not. Awak 1st wife dia ke sampai muak membaca. Warning once again. If muak click pangakh kat right side corner atas tu. If tak tahu i can teach you how to do :) k..mornight beautiful peoples :)
posted from Bloggeroid
4 'bebelness':
Hey...rilek2 sudah..see nmpak sgt kau melenting..rilek la..mcm kau ckp..kau ade pelajaran mcm ni ke org ade alfi silap kot pilih kau yg kecoh..but bkn dari segi dari segi tkkan sibuk hal kau kalau kau pun tk sibuk hal org lain..thanks ya dear..kalau kau hargainya kau tklah tulus blog bagai mcm ni ye..muahhh... bukan ibu awak..atau ayah kalau apa yg awak ckp tu masin..(terbunting)pasti dorg malu kecewa..mungkin kau tk rasa lg..dan kau tau tk betapa besarnya dorg nk tanggung dosa ko..ko tk kesian ke ibu atau ayah kau yg dah tau nak angkat dosa kau..sdgkan dosa mereka sndiri pun blom tentu dpt ditanggung??lain kali nak ckp or tulis..sila berfikir dulu..apa yg kluar dri mulut kita tu doa ye...
Opss...aku tk terasa pedas sikit pun..but now..kau nmpk mcm kelam kabut and melatah jugak kau ni...sabar sudah..kan sabar separuh dari iman..kalau kau tk nak org kacau kau..kau pun jgn kacau org ye syg..and..for ur information..aku tk pernah sedikit pun jeles dgn kau...but aku tk tqu la org lain..aku ade family aku sendiri..dan pasangan aku pun pasangan yg what aku nak cemburu kan life org lain yg belum tentu sampai ke give u an email..aku tk suka apa yg aku tulis ni jd bahan tontonan org..sbb aku tau erti malu..tidak tinggal kemaluan je ye..heheh...chill ya...
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