Yeayy..eventually i got sumbat. On saturday alfi and me went to mid valley mph bookstore but didn't get what i'm searching for. Hampa.
Today we went to the curve so we got it. Yeayy. I'm interested with this book because of that cover. Hahaha..orang kata dont judge the book by its cover.
But me. I judge by its cover. Cantik. Colourful. Macarons. Borders the curve and we used kad siswa alfi. gak ada bf student ni. Rasa sayang sangat bila dapat buku baru..rase macam nak kiss kiss bau dia banyak kali.
After all we go to ikea. Yeayy..saya as usual mesti makan spaghetti plus chicken wings. Alfi plak dengan meatball lah. Saya tak boleh telan meatball. Ni macam mana ni every month mesti makan kat ikea?
My weekend was totally completed by him. Tomorrow my annual leave. So boleh main main lagi malam ni. Tak nak tido awal. And lastly tadaa..abaikan jerawat.

Today we went to the curve so we got it. Yeayy. I'm interested with this book because of that cover. Hahaha..orang kata dont judge the book by its cover.
But me. I judge by its cover. Cantik. Colourful. Macarons. Borders the curve and we used kad siswa alfi. gak ada bf student ni. Rasa sayang sangat bila dapat buku baru..rase macam nak kiss kiss bau dia banyak kali.
After all we go to ikea. Yeayy..saya as usual mesti makan spaghetti plus chicken wings. Alfi plak dengan meatball lah. Saya tak boleh telan meatball. Ni macam mana ni every month mesti makan kat ikea?
My weekend was totally completed by him. Tomorrow my annual leave. So boleh main main lagi malam ni. Tak nak tido awal. And lastly tadaa..abaikan jerawat.

posted from Bloggeroid
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