I got my nice skirt and comfy shoes, yeay!! Alfi said after this i will be wearing same shoes everytime when i needed. This beige color make me fell in love and without thinking twice i asked for size 5 then confirm! Emm..that erin's style, never buy high heels, but ballerina is my style. Seriously, i cant wear high heels, that was killing me. Maybe my height is 160 cm so if i wear high heels, i cant balance my body. See..my weight is only 43kg! Emm.. My target is get 45kg within this month and 50kg to maintain that ideal body. Insya allah. Chaiyo erin!
I already read all the things 'she' post on her fb n twitter. Totally what 'she' post is wrong and kinda hypocrite. However its okay. Here, listen now. I said in malay okay coz if not she will said i post in bahasa penjajah, whereas i never update any status on my wall at fb or twitter. Since when? (kelakar okay)
" saya tak nak gaduh dgn kamu sebab saya tak gaduh dan tak pernah gaduh dengan orang yang xde DEGREE, ape tah lagi MASTERS, itu tak sesuai, buat malu".
I said i can be mean if vital, i enough already to be patient towards everything she did. Okay, thank you for all your lies and created stories also make me popular on your site. I appreciate it. Hebat is doesnt mean hebat in your routine life, but hebat in every eyes of peoples surrounded by you also in eyes of Allah. I never said myself hebat and never heard peoples judge herself as hebat. As well as Tun Dr Mahathir never classified him as hebat person but peoples surrounded by him judge him as hebat. Kelakarlah. I know you are not stalk my blog, so do i care? Till then.
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