Just watched seia sekata scha & awal. Yeayy. How lucky to be as scha. However, why they copy form lisa & yusry? I thought they will not overexposed like lisa & yusry. Hmm.. They artists right? So they deserved it. Ape pun, its alright. Nothing wrong with that. Everytime i saw that scene when awal proposed scha, for sure i will cry. Cry, cry, haih..like awal, he is a person easily cry, very sensitive person. Hope both of you will happily ever after. Amin.
P/s: thing below is a thing when alfi wanted to propose me as his gf. Seriously,i am very fussy on choosing accessories, but when he gave me with this pattern he was kinda high taste too. Simple with three diamonds (i love you). I wears it for 1year and 7months and insya allah will wear it till my eyes close. If im not wears it, that means we are not meant to be together. Baik jangan, insyaallah.

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