I just wanted to be happiest person in and out,
Needs, dreams and easier,
If that things fulfill all my life,
Thats enough for me.
Remember for being moderate person,
In all aspects of life,
One day if the Nur will coming
Insya allah all will turns well
Just keep praying,
P/s:My officemate suggested for using one set of this product,
But i didnt want, im not the persons taking care about my skin, sooo lazy for that routine, then she said, "kau punya muka tak perfect lagi okay, jgn ingat muka kau dah perfect" oppsss.. Very shocked when she response that kind of words to me. Sedih plak.. Bukan x nak, tapi i didnt like it! Sangat leceh bila ada one set of cosmetic then need to use all that things, sangat leceh! I never use moisturizer, toner, in fact foundation or compact powder i never use! I just wash my face and use johnson baby powder, then put natural blusher (if i have a date) and lip gloss, i also not into lipstic. Saya cume suka eyeliner, blusher most important and lipgloss. Thats enough for me, even mascara i do not know how to wear. Jgn marah saya, saya mmg xsuke. Maybe one day, after 30's something i will use all the things. Saya mmg x pandai make up!
P/s/s: liverpool go for final!! Hoyeahhh!!! Carroll scored and be a hero for liverpool. Im very proud of you carroll, below is my bear, her named is carroll, alfi gave me from londoness. He as a friend while im sleeping. Same goes to yuyu and yiyi. I never alone while im sleeping coz i got carroll, yuyu and yiyi. Alfi was smart, he gave me all this friends so im not alone and be scared when im sleeping. Saya sangat penakut nak tido gelap! Till then, bye.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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