Me: i terkena electric shot.
Then immediately he call me. Yeay..ape lagi, kena "april fool" lah.
Haha..he the first person in this year i did fool. During my student life, when it comes 1st april, i will be careful in every way i did and dont trust anything towards the peoples say. Sometimes i felt like why? why this day happened. Why they classified 1st april as fool day. Maybe it just for fun.
I watched liverpool..ynwa! Ahh..i love carroll so much, i stalked him, every single things about him i goggled. Unfortunately he is not bright as he bought by dalglish. Its okay dear, i still supporting and never make you walk alone. I dont care if everyone keep said shit towards you, as long as i love you. Same goes to Torres, even he is not with ynwa anymore i still supporting him because once i admire, forever will admire.
I blogging now at 3 am because of i got diarrhea, maybe mamak's food make me stomachache. Very pain, and i felt like unconcious. Bbm alfi however he sleeping now. Want to call him but it just will make him get less sleep. I love you sayang. Sayang sangat. Haih..gediknya.
Ohh..i just remember, on saturday that woman post something on a***'s wall. Haih.. She screwed up everthing. Why dont she just concern with her blood relations rather than with someone nothing with her. Its funny okay, hypocrite. ;) however it's okay, that one is her rights, not wrong at all.
Important is, im happy with alfi. ;) . Below is apron bought by alfi. Thanx, after this i can cook nicely even not so nice. Shomell nya my apron! Till then, morning and i want continue sleep.

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