" far, janganlah camni..
"camni, if kite sedih kan, kite suke peluk adik kita awa tu then baring sama2, pastu cerita kat dia masalah kite"
"padahal dia x paham pun..tp bile kite nangis, dia kata jgn nangis.."
"far peluklah alya....hati budak kecik kan bersih, so cam tenang bile da cite dengan dia"
Yes, this things works well, you can feel the breathe and smoothness. Once you hugs baby it will give you happiness. And the important thing is, budak kecik can feel someone who make bad things towards the person they love. ;) serious, i never tell and show pictures to awa about that "shorty, blacky and kening bercantum" woman. Hahaha..however awa saw that ugly picture from my handphone and said "ain...tak cantik pempuan ni..dia jahat heh ain?"
Suprisingly, why she said like that. I never said anything to her. And i realise, budak kecik can feel heart of the person they love. Oppss...p/s.. I save that woman picture in my handphone as a collection which is the person i most remember. And i remember everything she did till the end of her day which is unforgivable. I never keep revenge with someone in my life, and im not that type of person.
However after what she did, she never say word "sorry"to me even that is totally not my fault. I didnt ask to do same thing what she did towards me if she say sorry. Come on, once ago she told me, please understand woman's feeling, because we both woman. But she is the one who cruel and did not understand woman's feeling.
Bottoms of my heart say that, she is really mean, and i never believe such this type of woman really existed in this world. The proof is she, laugh to her. :) Dear Allah, please make her happy and change her to the better way, same goes with me. Amin. Picture below just for fun, i love the way they together. Moderate. Alfi and Erin. Insya allah, till then. Bye.

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