Sunday, November 27

awal muharam

its turn to new year, end of old book and start new one.
what i wish is i'll be turn to woman not girl anymore.
please wake up dear, u already 24th. and yet will be 25th.
my face is look 20th, please get for old one.??
hoping my career will growth faster and stable.
it's sick by think for the future but we need to.

want to share something, it's sad..
sad when sum1 praise and be kind with your bf's ex.
especially when she or he is best friend, siblings and so on
not jealous but the feeling was strange!!
realize that a bf's ex was 3 years with him and they were too close
and why when all ended between them, he or she must ended too?
no..just be yourself erin.
i never be hypocrite..outside is also inner for you
you are not "don't judge the book by it's cover"
when outside its your appearance same goes with inner.
tak reti nak bermuka-muka.

stop with that,
currently everything seems fine.
but i miss old timer.
miss all the memory with everyone.
i miss this place, sleep under the sky
seeing stars and the noisy waterfall
i just want a peaceful bed :')
p/s: i love alfi shahrin

0 'bebelness':