Sunday, April 29


I got my nice skirt and comfy shoes, yeay!! Alfi said after this i will be wearing same shoes everytime when i needed. This beige color make me fell in love and without thinking twice i asked for size 5 then confirm! Emm..that erin's style, never buy high heels, but ballerina is my style. Seriously, i cant wear high heels, that was killing me. Maybe my height is 160 cm so if i wear high heels, i cant balance my body. weight is only 43kg! Emm.. My target is get 45kg within this month and 50kg to maintain that ideal body. Insya allah. Chaiyo erin!

I already read all the things 'she' post on her fb n twitter. Totally what 'she' post is wrong and kinda hypocrite. However its okay. Here, listen now. I said in malay okay coz if not she will said i post in bahasa penjajah, whereas i never update any status on my wall at fb or twitter. Since when? (kelakar okay)

" saya tak nak gaduh dgn kamu sebab saya tak gaduh dan tak pernah gaduh dengan orang yang xde DEGREE, ape tah lagi MASTERS, itu tak sesuai, buat malu".

I said i can be mean if vital, i enough already to be patient towards everything she did. Okay, thank you for all your lies and created stories also make me popular on your site. I appreciate it. Hebat is doesnt mean hebat in your routine life, but hebat in every eyes of peoples surrounded by you also in eyes of Allah. I never said myself hebat and never heard peoples judge herself as hebat. As well as Tun Dr Mahathir never classified him as hebat person but peoples surrounded by him judge him as hebat. Kelakarlah. I know you are not stalk my blog, so do i care? Till then.

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Friday, April 27

Seia sekata part 2

Hye, again i missed on the starting of this program, late 5mins, engrossed with baby apple then just realize ehh!! Schawal okay then turn on the tv. Haihh.. When both crazily teasing each other, im the one who laugh together with them. Apeapetah. So, will stay tune till 4th May on their big days! Yeay.

I want try this awesome roller coaster, definitely will make you vomit, no voices and big laugh. Emm...sangat best, i wonder when malaysia would do one for this? I saved this pic from fb's nadia amalina, she just went to gold coast! Super duper extremely roller coaster. I love roller coaster so much! Shout out till no voice and you would feel satisfied. Hmmm..i wish i can get that roller coaster.

P/s: that woman love my name, thats y she just like by mentioned my full nice name and see!! She remembering my full name, thank you very much! How excited me to be azeren noor ain and how poor she is doesnt like her full name! Appreciate your name after your mum n dad waiting for 9months just for you. I can be mean in the needed situation if i have to do so. I doesnt like 'meroyan' words, that synonym with woman after giving birth right? Is it she having 'meroyan' before? And thats why she know what 'meroyan' is it, right? Just i stated before, what you wrote or spoke was reflection for yourself, better don't. :) " baling batu di dinding, terpantul kena diri" . Yeay!!! Amin.

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Wednesday, April 25

He's back

Yeayy!! Alhamdulillah, alfi just back from terengganu tonite. 1week i didnt see him and very excited to see him right now. But wait, i need to sleep. Haih, lucky if we self employed, if you want to on leave, you can leave. Insyaallah one fine day, i will have my own business. Rindu kamu sangat! I want to share everything with you. S m o o c h ! Hee..Here is my badang!! I wanted to jungle tracking, sleep under the sky and stars, also seeing great greeny scenery once again. Please fullfill my cravingnesssss :'(

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Monday, April 23


Acne! Haih..i'm getting old, since i got my first period at 13years old, i never have problems with this situation. However, after 20++, it started and i guess because of work stress! Seriously and i realize that acne will appear in the same place. Their favourite place is on my chin. After that, start this month i got acne on my eyebrow area. Haih.. And to be honest, i do not know how to prevent this acne. I like to squeeze it till its bleeding and let it be. For sure it will have scars after that. So i googled and i got info about acne. Below is the description.

For acne at the chin: Fungsi buah pinggang terjejas atau sistem endokrin (rembesan dalaman) lemah. Kaum wanita mudah mendapat jerawat di sekitar dagu mungkin berpunca daripada haid yang tidak teratur dan sistem peranakan yang bermasalah.>>>> ahh.. Yes, i got premenstrual abnormal but please my reproductive sytem, be nice with me. Indeed!

For the acne at the forehead: Haba badan melampau, peredaran darah tidak baik. Minda dan badan, mungkin terlampau letih dan stress. Pupuk tabiat tidur awal, bangun awal. Dapatkan tidur yang cukup dan jangan lupa minum air yang banyak. >>>> so this is new for me. Yeah, need to drink water six glass per day. Okay erin!
Keep it up.

P/s: cant wait to have family gathering this may, with my family. I miss u all. Muah! Psstt.. Kelakar with that woman, mengamuk tak tentu pasal, what she exposed is a mirror of herself. Poor her. :)

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Sunday, April 22

Seia sekata

Just watched seia sekata scha & awal. Yeayy. How lucky to be as scha. However, why they copy form lisa & yusry? I thought they will not overexposed like lisa & yusry. Hmm.. They artists right? So they deserved it. Ape pun, its alright. Nothing wrong with that. Everytime i saw that scene when awal proposed scha, for sure i will cry. Cry, cry, awal, he is a person easily cry, very sensitive person. Hope both of you will happily ever after. Amin.

P/s: thing below is a thing when alfi wanted to propose me as his gf. Seriously,i am very fussy on choosing accessories, but when he gave me with this pattern he was kinda high taste too. Simple with three diamonds (i love you). I wears it for 1year and 7months and insya allah will wear it till my eyes close. If im not wears it, that means we are not meant to be together. Baik jangan, insyaallah.

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Friday, April 20

19 months

Hyeeepp..yeay!! Alhamdulillah im still alive today to enjoy every moments in my life. Moments with him. Very precious and valuable. Its 19 month already and i took granted for that! He was now far away from me. He's going to terengganu, make me live alone without anyone accompanied me. Sedey! However he so sweet, he prepared something for me which was korea movie collection! Yeayy!! Awesome deeds by prepare my favourites thing as a repay wherever he is not here. I know you love me so much. However the past obscuring my eyes. Im so sorry. Emm..i need to learn how to forget the past, thats my bad. Sayang, hope you are safe there and enjoying your great view at cherating. Jelez!! Last word, thank you allah for give him to me and knowing him is the super awesome part in my life.

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Monday, April 16

I didnt want to be millionaire
I just wanted to be happiest person in and out,
Needs, dreams and easier,
If that things fulfill all my life,
Thats enough for me.
Remember for being moderate person,
In all aspects of life,
One day if the Nur will coming
Insya allah all will turns well
Just keep praying,

P/s:My officemate suggested for using one set of this product,
But i didnt want, im not the persons taking care about my skin, sooo lazy for that routine, then she said, "kau punya muka tak perfect lagi okay, jgn ingat muka kau dah perfect" oppsss.. Very shocked when she response that kind of words to me. Sedih plak.. Bukan x nak, tapi i didnt like it! Sangat leceh bila ada one set of cosmetic then need to use all that things, sangat leceh! I never use moisturizer, toner, in fact foundation or compact powder i never use! I just wash my face and use johnson baby powder, then put natural blusher (if i have a date) and lip gloss, i also not into lipstic. Saya cume suka eyeliner, blusher most important and lipgloss. Thats enough for me, even mascara i do not know how to wear. Jgn marah saya, saya mmg xsuke. Maybe one day, after 30's something i will use all the things. Saya mmg x pandai make up!

P/s/s: liverpool go for final!! Hoyeahhh!!! Carroll scored and be a hero for liverpool. Im very proud of you carroll, below is my bear, her named is carroll, alfi gave me from londoness. He as a friend while im sleeping. Same goes to yuyu and yiyi. I never alone while im sleeping coz i got carroll, yuyu and yiyi. Alfi was smart, he gave me all this friends so im not alone and be scared when im sleeping. Saya sangat penakut nak tido gelap! Till then, bye.

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Saturday, April 14

Beautiful morns

Pictures showed when i just wake up from my sleep without brush my teeth,comb my hair and immediately i try using instagram photo. After last nite i installed the application. works! Today is my day without my bb. I left my bb at alfi's car and i didnt realise till i got my home. First time i did it, before this i never forget about my bb. I always keep it secure but last nite im careless. Owh..i cant live without phone. I need it mostly, and i think how on old day we can live without phone. Mesti susah kan? Luckily today we will meet. So just a couple of time my life without phone! Tu pun kecoh. Last nite we watched "titanic"..still crying eventhough i knew all the stories. Drama betul! Thats erin way, really like to cry. I need to cook right now, and i wish everything goes well because i have to prepare ayam masak merah using instant ayamas fried chicken, haih..hope its works. Cooking for alfi, not for me. I really didnt know how to cook, but i just try! Till then, bye.

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Friday, April 13


All you do and did must be moderate,
Don't be overload,
Islam ask moderate rather than excessive,
Words, behaviors, dressing, and lifestyle,
Indeed before this sometime we keep tell to the universe
What we wears, we did, we used, and we planned,
However we are not realize that out there
Misjudged and discomfort beyond all the truth,
Advice to myself. :)

P/s : twittering and facebooking the most overload habits, where you addicted to tell peoples about what you did, even the peoples doesnt want to know it at all :p Haihh.. Why they created that things?

P/s/s : "you melt my heart" hee. Picture below showed how this strawberry melted in my mouth. Hehe. No..its show how i love strawberry so much! And very love my family also my omey alfi! "u omey angat ni!!,"

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Wednesday, April 11


Today is public holiday, it is heaven holiday in the middle of weekdays. But poor i am, i suffer from period pain. It was killing me, rolling at my bed, wears batik sarong, no shower just brush my teeth, crying from pain, and just sleep. Alfi bbm me, calling me but i treat him with swing mood, sorry sayang. I hope you know evertime i get period pain, my mood will be worst and i know you already understand me well.

Alfi make surprise for me, while i still rolling on my bed, he called and said i already at your house, please open the door. I felt like hmm.. I'm not shower yet and messy right now with batik sarong, singlet and uncomb hair. I'm happy because he concern about me and bring our lunch, as usual he so sweet!

He just said its okay, no need to get shower and lets lunch together. He bought two lunch one for me and one for him. After we got our lunch and we playing around with our baby apple ipad wanted to see how carroll goaled last night. Winning goal okay! Eventually he lucky, i love him. While alfi searching for the video then i felt like shaking.

One, two, then shake again one, two, i said, "you rase tak bergoyang?" maybe because i period pain right now and make me sick so just me feel the shaking. But alfi said yes, he did. Alfi said maybe earthquake. Takkanlah coz is it my area will affected? Cheras? And i thought maybe im not healthy so i feel like dizzy, then alfi want to back home.

I decided to get shower coz so smelly me! Malu dengan alfi. Then in two minute alfi called me. He said at my area, there were peoples gather at parking area and playground area. Yes, indeed there is earthquake happened. Haih.. Betullah. I hope nothing worst happen at Aceh and the entire affected areas like once time ago. Takutnya ya allah.

World become more sick right now, world already old enough, it is sad for me.

P/s : thanks sayang coz care and concern about me so much. I didnt ask for you to come, i can cook but i need my rest for this pain. Kesian u susahkan u. Cry cry.

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Just watched yuna terukir di bintang, before this yuna inspired, yuna she is an awesome woman! On her first debut, i felt like, what was it? Why so no emotion in this song and she is typically "hujan band" style on that moment.

And after all, when the song "dan sebenarnya" keep playing, i was enjoyed. Another song, another and another keep playing, i searched all yuna's song till now just to have all her songs collection. I admired her even i do not have style like her.

Indeed when someone admire, their personality will more to the person they admired, but it was differ from what i felt towards her. She's not beautiful but intelligent, simple and she be herself. I thought that's why qi love her. Arghh!!! I love qi. (wish both will be married)

Till now i memorize all yuna's songs because of i can feel the emotions in each of her song. Like what she said "setiap gambar ada lagu".

P/s: i already make a promise not to concern about her, do not text her, do not give anything to her, dengan nama allah, till she seek for forgiveness. That one is my vow. Please take note, my feeling is easily broken so watch out your words. Thanks.

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Monday, April 9

Simple quote

"Love is like a mountain,
hard to climb,
but once you get to the top
the view is beautiful."

P/s : i have a dream to climb kinabalu mountain with him. Insyaallah, we will. Alfi, please quickly fullfill my dream. :) nitez, tonight will gonna be hard night for me.

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Sunday, April 8

I wish

Our saturday dating, as usual YNWA.

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my forehead,
the touch of your fingers on my hair,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine.
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

P/s: pic edited by alfi shahrin. Last day, we enjoyed our two movie marathon, 3temujanji and the vow. The vow was very awesome babe.. Along the movie, my tears cant stop. Very touching part is, when both vows each other on their marriage. Marriage is something very important moments in our life. I cant imagine if im in leo's shoes, i do not want to lose his love after all the things we did together. I wish. Amin.

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Friday, April 6


Today, far had whatssapp at our chat group. She wanted hugs from me, ayu, ieka and mas.. I felt her dissapointment towards a man, and add on her conditions right now, yes, absolutely she depressed. And what i suggest is:

" far, janganlah camni..
"camni, if kite sedih kan, kite suke peluk adik kita awa tu then baring sama2, pastu cerita kat dia masalah kite"
"padahal dia x paham bile kite nangis, dia kata jgn nangis.."
"far peluklah alya....hati budak kecik kan bersih, so cam tenang bile da cite dengan dia"

Yes, this things works well, you can feel the breathe and smoothness. Once you hugs baby it will give you happiness. And the important thing is, budak kecik can feel someone who make bad things towards the person they love. ;) serious, i never tell and show pictures to awa about that "shorty, blacky and kening bercantum" woman. Hahaha..however awa saw that ugly picture from my handphone and said "ain...tak cantik pempuan ni..dia jahat heh ain?"

Suprisingly, why she said like that. I never said anything to her. And i realise, budak kecik can feel heart of the person they love. Oppss...p/s.. I save that woman picture in my handphone as a collection which is the person i most remember. And i remember everything she did till the end of her day which is unforgivable. I never keep revenge with someone in my life, and im not that type of person.

However after what she did, she never say word "sorry"to me even that is totally not my fault. I didnt ask to do same thing what she did towards me if she say sorry. Come on, once ago she told me, please understand woman's feeling, because we both woman. But she is the one who cruel and did not understand woman's feeling.

Bottoms of my heart say that, she is really mean, and i never believe such this type of woman really existed in this world. The proof is she, laugh to her. :) Dear Allah, please make her happy and change her to the better way, same goes with me. Amin. Picture below just for fun, i love the way they together. Moderate. Alfi and Erin. Insya allah, till then. Bye.

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Thursday, April 5

Nur ilyana najwa

I miss ini budak.. Sob.sob. Rindu sgt2. Sayang nur ilyana najwa.

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Monday, April 2

April fool

1st april came again. I had planned to fool him, childish me. Then i planned to bbm him that i was a victim of electric shot.
Me: i terkena electric shot.
Then immediately he call me. Yeay..ape lagi, kena "april fool" lah.
Haha..he the first person in this year i did fool. During my student life, when it comes 1st april, i will be careful in every way i did and dont trust anything towards the peoples say. Sometimes i felt like why? why this day happened. Why they classified 1st april as fool day. Maybe it just for fun.
I watched liverpool..ynwa! Ahh..i love carroll so much, i stalked him, every single things about him i goggled. Unfortunately he is not bright as he bought by dalglish. Its okay dear, i still supporting and never make you walk alone. I dont care if everyone keep said shit towards you, as long as i love you. Same goes to Torres, even he is not with ynwa anymore i still supporting him because once i admire, forever will admire.
I blogging now at 3 am because of i got diarrhea, maybe mamak's food make me stomachache. Very pain, and i felt like unconcious. Bbm alfi however he sleeping now. Want to call him but it just will make him get less sleep. I love you sayang. Sayang sangat. Haih..gediknya.
Ohh..i just remember, on saturday that woman post something on a***'s wall. Haih.. She screwed up everthing. Why dont she just concern with her blood relations rather than with someone nothing with her. Its funny okay, hypocrite. ;) however it's okay, that one is her rights, not wrong at all.
Important is, im happy with alfi. ;) . Below is apron bought by alfi. Thanx, after this i can cook nicely even not so nice. Shomell nya my apron! Till then, morning and i want continue sleep.

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