Monday, April 23


Acne! Haih..i'm getting old, since i got my first period at 13years old, i never have problems with this situation. However, after 20++, it started and i guess because of work stress! Seriously and i realize that acne will appear in the same place. Their favourite place is on my chin. After that, start this month i got acne on my eyebrow area. Haih.. And to be honest, i do not know how to prevent this acne. I like to squeeze it till its bleeding and let it be. For sure it will have scars after that. So i googled and i got info about acne. Below is the description.

For acne at the chin: Fungsi buah pinggang terjejas atau sistem endokrin (rembesan dalaman) lemah. Kaum wanita mudah mendapat jerawat di sekitar dagu mungkin berpunca daripada haid yang tidak teratur dan sistem peranakan yang bermasalah.>>>> ahh.. Yes, i got premenstrual abnormal but please my reproductive sytem, be nice with me. Indeed!

For the acne at the forehead: Haba badan melampau, peredaran darah tidak baik. Minda dan badan, mungkin terlampau letih dan stress. Pupuk tabiat tidur awal, bangun awal. Dapatkan tidur yang cukup dan jangan lupa minum air yang banyak. >>>> so this is new for me. Yeah, need to drink water six glass per day. Okay erin!
Keep it up.

P/s: cant wait to have family gathering this may, with my family. I miss u all. Muah! Psstt.. Kelakar with that woman, mengamuk tak tentu pasal, what she exposed is a mirror of herself. Poor her. :)

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