Friday, January 4

Playing around

This post objective for playing around with my heart only. Not relate with any humans being. Just came back from the office. Yeayy I did overtime work coz a lot of abundance things to do. My thoughts start here:

Wanita yang dah berubah dari black memories long time ago kadang2 menunjukkan diri mereka yang dahulu. I mean like she did abortion previous ago...and da berubah. Of course apa yang dia buat dahulu suka sama suka dengan that man. Lainlah dia kena raped.

The worst thing is she love to tell everyone that man did shit to her. Padahal dulu suka sama suka buat benda tu. Kelakar tak.. my point here is..saya bukan nak menangkan that man yang salah.

Tapi that woman dumb okay.. tak payah story benda yang dulu. Kata dah berubah..jadi don't try to reopen that black story again. Saya ada bukti..bukan zero talk nonsense. Bukti tu ada pada kamu sendiri. Kamu datanglah tunjuk bukti tu sebab bukti tu sendiri ada pada kamu. Takut kamu saja yang malu when your dignity crushh!! Fall down..

Stop being sarcastic...coz sarcastic for loser person only. Enough to mention my name wrongly spelled..and my blog address can't be found. If you are really good and still have yourself and others who I am.

I never afraid..and please guna otak untuk tuduh orang lain..akal pendek untuk orang pendek ke? I wonder? :) 

posted from Bloggeroid

0 'bebelness':