Tuesday, January 14


Bismillah. Salam maulidur rasul! Today i'm fasting too and alhamdulillah.. It was my first time wearing hijab. After so long think about this matter and intend to do, eventually on this maulidur rasul, i opened my heart to wear it sincerely. 

Everything went so fast, as a blink of eye i did that. I never thought today i just ironing my work wear for tomorrow and then i grab a shawl. 

As our promise yesterday with alfi we will having iftar together, so i want him to be the first one see me change myself. 

And tadaaa.. Thanks sayang. 

When i'm at his car, my tears drop too fast. Crying because i felt soooo shy, macam tak pernah jumpa. Alfi gelak2 je tengok saya, sebelum tu saya dah text dia " jangan buat2 tak kenal plak nanti" . Then saya plak yang nangis macam gembeng betul. 

Huh. Haih, saya nangis sebab malu, saya  nangis sebab segan, saya nangis sebab i dont believe myself did that. Saya takut esok pergi kerja, saya nangis lagi. Please heart be strong, jangan gembeng sangat boleh tak? 

Tadaa.. I still can't get my proper hijab, please doakan saya semuanya istiqamah dan diredhai Allah. Amin. 

0 'bebelness':