Friday, August 31

birthday girl

This post might be will get uncomfortable feelings from most of peoples, off nya. Hee..however, this is my blog.
Who cares for that?

On my birthday, alfi was really didnt know how to make a surprise
I can caught that fishy smelly. Hee..he took me at the office.
And first thing i saw was a bouquet of roses.
This is second time he gave me roses.

Yellow and red color means friendship and love.
This two things related each other completely. Emm.. Thank you sayang.

Then i thought i just get this roses only. For me, honestly..owh..i get roses for my besday.
Itu pun dah cukup make me big smile.
Then dia keluarkan one box, cantiknya balut siap dengan ribbon.
Haihh..if still remember what is the things i really wanted on my last post?

I get this!
Nak nangis tapi suka.
Dah kata tak payah, still bagi. Emm..
Plus dengan beg roxy lagi sebagai carry bag utk instax ni.
Macam alfi yang dah lama saya kenal.
Dia seorang yang teratur, kemas, dan nak sempurna.

Thanks sayang, i do not know how to say it eyes to eyes.
Tak harap sebenarnya sebab ada lagi important things need to settle
rather than my birthday but you did it.
After this nak peluk kuat kuat bawak tido benda ni.
Hehehe..nak sangat kan? See it what you will do with this thing.

Thank you all my friends yang wish. Semua doa anda sangat saya hargai. Peluk kuat kuat!
Alhamdulillah, im still here on my 25th lifetime.
For alfi shahrin: i love you so much.

Thursday, August 30


Wish for myself.
I'm in quarter century.
Be a good woman, sayang.
Wish everything will be fine.

P/s: it is better wish from someone i love the most. Hope my mum will whisper that wish for me. Thank you mum. Sebab hadirkan saya kat dunia ni. Now i need to sleep, time to dreaming of you mum. 30th august 2012. 

Monday, August 27

i wanna be like alfi shahrin

I wish i will have body like alfi shahrin :)
Hehe..u are my idol. Pasni if i tak abez makan,
U jangan makan makanan i.
Biarlah i makan jugak sampai muntah.
Boleh tak?
U pernah cakap, yang kite kena abezkan makanan tu jugak
Biar rezeki sentiasa masuk sebab tak membazir.

Make sure saya gemokk okay.
Tapi nanti if dah gemuk tak boleh jadi macam bini popeye.
Dush dush! Kena gemuk jugak.
Orang kata if saya gemuk, saya cantik.
Ala..nak cantik,. Hehe.. Apapatah manusia ni.
Allah dah jadikan macam tu, terimalah seadanya.

So saya berbangga ada badan kerempeng macam ni.
Makanlah vitamin and nutrition banyak mana, kurus jugak hasilnya.
Pics dibawah ketika saya dan alfi ke majlis kawen.
Alfi memang suke pergi majlis kawen

Muka saya nampak bulat, telinga nampak capang?

Nampak kurus :(

Saya nak jadi macam alfi shahrin

Ada lemak banyak banyak. Hehehe.

P/s: this entry for you alfi shahrin. YNWA dear :)

Saturday, August 25

eid mubarak 2012

So long didnt update anything here.
How's your raya?
Me absolutely awesome.
First raya went back to felcra bukit kepong visited my late mum's grave.
As well as went back to pagoh, muar.

Second day of syawal, we went to batu pahat and johor bahru.
My sis house at gelang patah.
Guess what, singgah sekejap di JPO.
Before that just hear it, and tadaa.. we able to go there.
Cuma macam dengar indah khabar dari rupa.
Im johorian beb, so mesti kena pegi.hee.

I just grab one pair of white jeans worth rm40, 
Cheap rite? And one thing i realized is 
Have something imperfect with this jeans.
No wonder it suits well with the price.


If someone know me well, i didnt like wears jeans.
Euuww..tak suka, i love into skirts and short pants.
Tapi because of sekarang dah besar, dont be over sexy.
I just love classic jeans based on colors and types.
Blue jeans was so boring.
Haihh,,typical women in jeans mcm iklan levis or guess jeans.
Nak wat camne, kenalah tukar. its only 5 days left.
K, babai.

Monday, August 20


This is a date but we had a fight.
Seem so depress right now.
Crying and crying again,
But he never know anything,
Apa apalah, semua kena hadapi dengan senyuman.

Senyum bila hadapi sesuatu,
Seriously i wanted to cry again.
Just fight to solve it again.
Salam syawal to all muslims.

As usual, eid mubarak we were visiting my late mum.
No make up, no heels just cotton on sandal, no tote bag
for what you wanted to be gorgeous on eid?
Just be simple and moderate.
And you will get eye catching from others.
However it depends on the individuals,
Jangan yang muda dah macam makcik makcik sudah.

P/s: i wanted this day fulfill with something but i know i'm not deserve for it.

Sunday, August 19

1st syawal

It's syawal eventually.
Alhamdulillah. Now on 19th and we celebrating eid mubarak.
Tahun ini all my sis beraya di johor. takdelah penat sgt nak prepare all the things.

Balik kluang pun hari khamis malam dan sampai jumaat pagi,
Balik dengan my sis dari kedah.
Mcm biasa bila raya skarang ni, my turn kena pergi pasar.
Tak suka, benci sbb penat ramai orang.
Berebut rebut dengan pakcik makcik.
Tapi kiteorang? Semua pempuan..muda2 plak tu.

Klakar.. Tapi seronok!

So we cam whoring lah disitu.
After bersesak berebut beli ayam. Next destination pergi beli cake!
Then balik rumah terus buat ayam bakar sambil tengok kabhi kushi kabhi gham
Hee.. Tak tgk sampai habis sbb ngantuk, so tido.

Malam after iftar, main bunga api dan mercun.
Layankan nephew and niece yang lima orang ni plus adik 2 orang.
Bayangkan rumah.. Ya allah. Ramainya!
Macam biasa layankan awa yang suke sgt dengan ipad ni.

Dah dengar announcement dari penimpan mohor besar tu,
So kiteorang start tiup ballons sebab nak celebrate besday.
Yeahh!!my besday, nia my niece and also my bro in law.
Happening sangat. Alhamdulillah with this happiness ya allah.

Next plan we decide go to last bazaar for this year.
Macam biasa lah nak beli kuih tunjuk dengan harga murah.
Tapi bazaar kluang paling sesak, dan sangat sesak.
However that the most thing i ever love it.

So malam ini, rasa sayu sangat mendalam.
Saya rindukan arwah mak.
Dengar takbir, mula air keluar laju je dari mata.
Mak, saya rindukan mak. Alfatihah dan yassin jelah pegganti rindu ini.
Even saya tak ada picture mak, tapi wajah mak tak pernah saya lupa.
Saya sentiasa ingat, mak selalu cakap saya cantik!
Jadi bila cantik, hati kena cantik.
Insyallah. Saya akan cuba. 

Di syawal ini, saya dengan rendah diri dan ikhlas untuk meminta maaf
Maaf kepada semua insan yang saya sakitkan.
Okay, nitez all.

P/s: saya rindu alfi. Saya harap dia pun bahagia sama macam apa saya rasa sekarang.

Sunday, August 12


Words of wisdom for this morning.
Selagi kita rasa kita nak berubah, nekad dalam hati.
Jadi allah akan dampingkan kita dengan orang yang baik.
Kata kata for me. Emm..

Semalam iftar with alfi. Yeayy..dia dapatkan saya mr crab
Dua lagi! Pity him sebab terpaksa pergi one to one restaurant
area bangi. Tanya ada mr crab or tak.
Mostly tak ada, and lastly kat village view ada.
Alhamdulillah, sahur pun dapat makan mr crab lagi.
Sebab tak habis makan mr crab tadi, so take away lah.

Yeayy!! Saya happy, my tummy pun happy.
Okay, my cravingness fulfilled already.
Thank you. 

Saturday, August 11

11th august

Maybe i'm too old fashioned. Absolutely!
Emm.. I want this one.
Any color pun okay, tapi kalau boleh nak white color.
Ehh..demanding lagi? Sume nak white, ipad, iphone, bb, baju, kasut, ape lagi?
I'm white color obsession and white lover.
Reasonable price actually however i didnt want use my own money.
Ngada ngadanya.
I want feel like before when we use kodak to portrait pictures,
Must capture nicely if not, waste of kodak.
Haihh..nak amek pics pun kena kira berapa dah guna.
Siap cop nak amek gambar.
But i miss that moments. 

P/s: still wanted that mr crab.

Friday, August 10


Seriously i never post anything regarding my job, my work or my another half of my life. Because of i didnt want to show off what is it really happening to my real life.
Enough if only me know what a reality of my life.
So.. Here tadaa.. My workspace as a worker.
Ada gula gula fox kan? Ishh..saya craving sgt gula gula tu,
Dah tak boleh nak makan da sebab puasa. So tengok jela.
Hehe.. But i took one and bring it back.
Pas breakfasting terus makan.
Hee..craving yg mcm apa2 tah.

One more i'm craving into mr crab! Emm..nak sgt makan mr crab.
Nak cari mana? I never know how to cook mr crab.
If google, tp takut mr crab tak sedap macam yang saya nak.
What a waste. Alhamdulillah, preparations for eid this year
already complete even it just moderate. So 7 likur semakin dekat, 
wish everything will be smooth.
Saya doakan ayah alfi sembuh cepat. Amin. 

Wednesday, August 8

8th august


Safe and sound by taylor swift ft the civil war.

This song for you alfi.
Heart you.
Wish will be safe and sound.
Everything will be clear soon.
Me heart you :')


Monday, August 6

6th august

"Never go to bed mad,
Stay up and fight!"

It's great having tite sleep.
Nitez all.

P/s: thank you anis for a gift from egypt.
So comel!

P/s/s: i love you alfi :) great weekend with you.

Sunday, August 5

Title 10

Here i am sharing from writer emma gray about 25things i know that i'm 25th,
Quite interesting. So check it out!

The following is a non-exhaustive list of things that I know to be true for myself -- and maybe for some other no-longer-in-their-early-20s women.

1. You're "not a girl, not yet a woman" -- and that's fabulous. Britney Spears was (loosely) right. There is such a thing as being in between adolescence and the more serious responsibilities of adulthood that come a bit later on. And it's pretty great.

2. The fear of missing out is worse than missing out. It's impossible to do everything and see everyone and be everywhere at once, so there's no point in making yourself crazy over it. 

3. "Just say no" applies to more than the drugs you might be offered in an after-school special. If you're really exhausted or just craving some alone time, it's alright to turn down the occasional party invite or after-work drink. ( this one not-related so-so) 

4. It's equally important to say yes against your better judgment once in awhile. Don't neglect your social life. Some of the greatest adventures occur when you stop trying to plan everything out. There's little more exhilarating than realizing that it's 5 a.m., you've been out and about for 10 hours and you're still not even remotely tired. You probably even have it in you to stop off at a 24-hour diner, sip coffee and split some 100 percent unhealthy curly fries with a friend.

5. Book clubs aren't just for old ladies or pretentious NYTimes profiles. Once you've been out of the academic world for a few years, you might actually start to miss all of those lectures, discussions of "structure" and arguments over prose. Book clubs are sort of academic, but they also allow you to read really awesome novels and drink a whole bunch of wine while talking about an author's possible misogyny. It's really a win-win.

6. Home decorating has a place in the in-between years. Your 20-something apartment likely isn't your "forever" home, but it is your home right now. Taking the time to put up some framed photos next to your grandmother's antique mirror and the movie poster you purchased in college is worth it. Your apartment doesn't have to look like a spread in Elle Decor to make it yours -- it just needs to contain some personal touches. 

7. You don't have to be friends with everybody. Not everyone is going to immediately like you and you're not going to like everyone. Also, accept that not all of your friendships from high school and college are meant to stay as strong as they once were. Save your energy for the real thing. Those friendships are hard to come by and worth investing in.

8. You can stop judging yourself. Your body, your job and your love life might not be "perfect" -- in fact, it's a guarantee that they're not. But at a certain point you just have to realize that no one gives a sh*t nearly as much as you do about your "flaws." So take Nora Ephron's advice: put on that bikini and rock it the whole decade long. You'll thank yourself later.

9. Health concerns are real -- so address them now. Whether it's a pinched nerve in your neck, a poor exercise routine or anxiety issues, your mental and physical health will only get more complicated if you don't take care of yourself now. Join a gym, get a primary care physician and find a therapist ASAP.

10. Life's too short for bad sex. No one's going to read your mind, so figure out what you want in the bedroom and ask for it. (this one? No!!)

11. Life is also too short for a bad work environment. Advocate for yourself when it comes to what you're paid, the responsibilities you take on and whom you work with. If you don't go to bat for yourself, no one else will.

12. Retail therapy is totally fine once in awhile. No purchase is worth clearing out your bank account, but when you can and want to, let yourself splurge a little. There have definitely been times when a new pair of shoes lifted my mood more than an well thought-out discussion about my emotional state ever could have.

13. Your parents are pretty cool. You can enjoy them in your 20s in a way that you couldn't in your teens. Recognize that and choose to have fun with them instead of fighting with them.

14. Clothes don't make the woman -- but flattering ones can make a woman feel really great.A new outfit can make you feel fabulous (see: Melanie Griffith after she's raided Sigourney Weaver's closetin "Working Girl"), and there's nothing wrong with that. Plus, now is the time to rock those four-inch heels and mini-dresses (if you want to). (Sorry, im still not into stiletto)

15. Your personality makes you sexier than any clothing item. I've never felt more attractive than when I'm having a good time with people who make me feel comfortable. People always say that confidence is a huge part of what makes someone hot, but I only really started to believe it once I got into my 20s.

16. Being selfish is important and necessary (to a point of course). Make yourself happy, or else no one else will be able to.

17. Being single is really awesome. You get a big bed to yourself, you can do whatever you want whenever you want without consulting someone else, and you're still at an age where a lot of other people are single too. I find that out of a relationship, I'm much more likely to get out of my apartment and try something new. Life can be fulfilling and fun without a romantic partner, and it's important to experience that. (i never had single status, alhamdulillah i'm blessed with a love)

18. Watching your friends get married is fun, even if you're single. At 25, if your social circle is at all similar to mine, you're right in the middle of the first wave of friend marriages. Embrace the open bar, open dance floor and newly-married couple at every wedding you go to. Don't worry about the fact that it's not your wedding -- after all, you're only 25.

19. It's OK to admit that you want a relationship. Admitting that you'd like to meet someone doesn't mean you're not independent and perfectly capable of getting along on your own. Also know that if you decide at some point that dating is a serious priority, you need to put some effort into the process.

20. Withholding your opinion accomplishes nothing. Being considerate of others' preferences and needs is obviously a good thing. But you have the right and responsibility to express yourself in any relationship -- romantic or otherwise. It's hard to stop being an "I'll do whatever" sort of person, but once you start asserting yourself people will respect you more for it. #SorryImNotSorry.

21. Doing things just for the story can be great. You'll probably end up getting a lot more than an anecdote out of the experience -- and even if you don't, you'll enjoy retelling said story for years to come.

22. Nothing feels better than being able to afford not just your necessities, but a few luxuries as well. Last February I went to Puerto Rico with one of my best friends. We paid for the trip ourselves and spent four days hiking in the rainforest, night kayaking, laying on a beach and getting thoroughly sunburned. It would have been fun no matter how we got there, but it felt fabulous going on our own dimes. ( vacation can rewards all yours sweatness)

23. It's all right to change your mind about big things. This includes your job, your city and your life partner. Now's the time. Your life doesn't have to look the way you imagined it would at 18. It turns out, things rarely work out exactly the way you once thought you wanted them to anyway -- and that's usually a very good thing.

24. There's no point in being afraid of life after 25. I can't tell you how many people responded with "I'm so freaked out about turning 25!" when I told them my birthday was coming up. Besides the obvious fact that 25 is really young in the grand scheme of things, aging happens no matter how much you freak out. So why bother?

25. There's so much you don't know yet. And that's thrilling.

So, i'm totally will turns 25th this year. Hee..

Say yes! And you get an acne!

Saturday, August 4


Tonight issue: i didn't know why that lesbian still disturbing me.
I never said she is lesbo okay.
However, she really make me impatiently.
So i decided call her lesbo.
Lesbo monkey face.
Suits her well.

Haih.. On this ramadhan that lesbo never take any chances to change.
I thought she typical alim alim.
But it turns from hero to zero.
Busuk sangat hati. Pergi cuci bersih bersihlah.
I still keep all the fake emails from her. Once she threaten me, i'm not hesistate to lodge 
police report. This is seriously, dont simply make others.
And listen here, i got knife on my bag.
As protection, once you step close to me you will deserve it.

Thursday, August 2

20mins before 3rd august


My sentimental song modified voice by yunalis zarai,
I slept about two hours ago
With undescribed feelings.
Give me a wings for touring around the worlds.
I wanna go.
Far away from the peoples and the things.
If the pocket doraemon really existed.


Wednesday, August 1

14min before 2nd august

Me addicted with this effect. 
Hee.. Sume sebab budak kurus diatas ( dia kata dia kurus)
Dulu dia kurus, skrg dah bulat sangat ni
Why me still not sleep yet?
Nanti ngantuk, esok banyak keje di ofis yang menanti.
Kena sahur ni!
Bangun erin, suka overslept after sahur, 
Nak wat camne, sedap tido.
Ya allah, setiap malam i am praying for your bless.
Thank you for my day.