Monday, August 20


This is a date but we had a fight.
Seem so depress right now.
Crying and crying again,
But he never know anything,
Apa apalah, semua kena hadapi dengan senyuman.

Senyum bila hadapi sesuatu,
Seriously i wanted to cry again.
Just fight to solve it again.
Salam syawal to all muslims.

As usual, eid mubarak we were visiting my late mum.
No make up, no heels just cotton on sandal, no tote bag
for what you wanted to be gorgeous on eid?
Just be simple and moderate.
And you will get eye catching from others.
However it depends on the individuals,
Jangan yang muda dah macam makcik makcik sudah.

P/s: i wanted this day fulfill with something but i know i'm not deserve for it.

0 'bebelness':