Saturday, August 25

eid mubarak 2012

So long didnt update anything here.
How's your raya?
Me absolutely awesome.
First raya went back to felcra bukit kepong visited my late mum's grave.
As well as went back to pagoh, muar.

Second day of syawal, we went to batu pahat and johor bahru.
My sis house at gelang patah.
Guess what, singgah sekejap di JPO.
Before that just hear it, and tadaa.. we able to go there.
Cuma macam dengar indah khabar dari rupa.
Im johorian beb, so mesti kena pegi.hee.

I just grab one pair of white jeans worth rm40, 
Cheap rite? And one thing i realized is 
Have something imperfect with this jeans.
No wonder it suits well with the price.


If someone know me well, i didnt like wears jeans.
Euuww..tak suka, i love into skirts and short pants.
Tapi because of sekarang dah besar, dont be over sexy.
I just love classic jeans based on colors and types.
Blue jeans was so boring.
Haihh,,typical women in jeans mcm iklan levis or guess jeans.
Nak wat camne, kenalah tukar. its only 5 days left.
K, babai.

0 'bebelness':