Wednesday, November 7


Okay, as shown above screensaver for my ipad.
Hmm..sedih sebenarnya nak let go this ipad.
Thanks ye ipad for cheering my life.
You such a good teddy for me. Your owner yang tak pandai jaga barang ni sangatlah bermakna hidup dia bila kamu ada.
My first thing, first apple that i had own.
Valuable and sentimental.
Can i have you too? Plus that note 2?

Tamak sangat kan? Hmm...sorry, i have choose either apple or samsung.
And my thought ask me really needed samsung rather than apple.
It was hard. Apple not friendly user and sorry you are too heavy for
my shoulder to carry it. Hahahaa..seriously im always get shoulder pain
because of you apple.

Sometimes, but not really 'some time', always alfi need to carry my bag.
Tak macho okay si badang bawak bag girly.
Hmmm.. Alhamdulillah untuk rezeki yang Dia bagi.
Thanks all the things yang mengembirakan saya.
Saya gembira sangat untuk semua benda yang terjadi pada saya.
I'm appreciate all those things belongs to me.
I need to hug this ipad tonight. Get lullaby for me.
Wish you will be happy with a new owner.
Tskk tskk tskkk.

Bubye apps store.
Mesti awa sedih sebab bila saya balik nanti dah tak ada ipad.
Hmmm..tak sanggup saya tengok dia dissapointed.


0 'bebelness':