Monday, March 11

Bukan perempuan sundal

I knew it he will always together with me whether i'm good or bad conditions. Thanks.
Okay..this march i got many problems strucks me. One is totally stupid problems from stupid peoples and another one was from my close relations.

However life must go on. As alfi besides me..he keep encouraging me to face all that things. Ini kira minggu air mata dan minggu ya..memang hati saya dijadikan untuk disakiti.
Silakan orang orang tikam hati saya atau ambik saja hati saya ini bagi makan pada binatang.

Jagalah mulut masing2..words kena jaga. Tak guna pakai tudung tapi perkataan tak jaga. Tak guna bersolat tapi perkataan masya allah. Remember this: sebab mulut badan binasa. Nak nasihat jagalah perkataan. Tu je..bukan tak boleh bagi nasihat tapi use appropriate words please.

Haihh..sabar..sabar itu makanan hati dan akal. Amin. On my weekend..we spent together for watching selangor vs jdt at stadium s.alam, then go to mph get the books for alfi's dad, for awa, and for me. Yeayyy!!! Not to forget as usual went to d'stall corner watched liverpool vs spurs. Yeayy!!! Ynwa.

My life completely when you are here. Even that problems stuck in the middle, we can slay that. Yang penting kita happy kan? Soo...tadaa..

posted from Bloggeroid

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