Friday, February 17


Hye!! Now we at february..time running fast
Haihh..I'm still here, same workstation, same building,
But the fact is my soul is not here, just my body
Exist here. Ya allah, plz make me strong!
I know u can do it,erin!!

Yup.. I want new place,to keep me breathe without
Nothing block the air. The hierarchy make me sick,
They love use their power to conquer authority. Why
They love to see peoples in trouble?

I hate all that! Degree is nothing, the knowledge and
Experience is important. Don't they think we can voice up
Our rights? Plz erin, you can survive for all the problems.

Ahh..I wanna be stewardess,can? Hee..jgn berangan okay,
Nak make up pun xreti, pkai heels pun x reti, so rejected!
Emm.. Its okay erin, just hold it with patient.

My mind now calculating how much the cost for further my
Master. Emm..just wait,and pray for sure He can listen.
Erin dah makin baik kan skrg? So please stay with that momentum
Yeayy!! :')

P/s: I love alfi aka badang demokk!! Smlm gaduh dgn dia,

0 'bebelness':