Sunday, February 19

m.a.s @ sayang

Just watched sehari bersama khairul fahmi at 801 channel,
Khairul fahmi @ KFCM.. Now entry title MAS.. Huh,that one is
For mohamad alfi shahrin. He now play for the keeper position.
One phrase from apek's mother. She said, she never watch her son
While playing during the game but she will watch after finish the
Game and get result. Whether won or lost. Because of she can't
Stand to see he plays, she worried about him.

Same goes with me, during alfi perform for the games, I
My hand can't stop shaking, cold and heart beat fast.
But the different from apek's mum is she not watch.
I'm still watch, but only Allah know how worried I am.
Because for me keeper is a man of every match, if he can't
Saved the ball for once, everyone will blame him.

Everyone will find out was it keeper fault or defends. And I
Think to be a keeper it is difficult task for them. No wonder
Keeper can be hero for the game. No wonder, most of womens fall
In love or admire towards them becoz of he save the ball and
Become hero.

And yes,I admire MAS! Definitely! I can see how tough to be a
Keeper, he need to stay focus, cool, and die hardly to save.
I miss u sayang,even selalu jumpe,still rindu and makin rindu.
I miss my family too..ape diaorg buat?

0 'bebelness':