Monday, February 27

26th february

Hye! Morning..sleepy diz morning,last nite comeback from kluang,
And 12am watched liverpool match. How imagine what happen with my eyes?
Really like panda eyes. Same goes with alfi, kesian dia, dia lagi penat
Haih..I thought the game will be finish sharp 90minutes,but they excess
Time, and I ended up with sleep alone in the car, and alfi still watched.
At 3.30am just can sleep at my comfortable bed. Yeayy..before this I didn't
Have a bed, but alfi gave me and I think, with that bed make me want to sleep
All along. Hee..dah lah memang kuat tido..bestnya tido.

26th feb, as I mention last post is my bestfriend wedding. Mastura,hee..she
Look stunning and as usual I love to see her face. Tapi yang kelakarnya,kat
Kad kahwin dia,bersanding at 2pm tapi tunggu dia until 3pm.hee.. Nak bersiap
Lama lah tu..penat tggu,tapi berbaloi, sbb dapat jumpe semua kawan2. Yeayy!!
Thanx korang sume..will update the pictures soon.

And one more thing, I brought alfi to meet my dad. And the funny is, siap kena
Marah sbb balik lambat,hee..tapi nasib x marah betul2.. Sori..thanx alfi,for being
Nice with my family.. I love u.

0 'bebelness':