Saturday, June 16


Hye, astro supersport already subscribed by my housemate. Yeayy!! I ask e.j to 
subscribe that.Hehe..susahlah nak tengok euro if tak de supersport. Local tv just show for  the boring game. Very dissapointed when england vs france at that time i'm ready waiting for the game, suddenly they are no live for that match. Haihh..sedih! Siap dah get ready with oldtown white coffee and one packet of biscuits. 
And now im waiting for the england game. Yeayy!! 

I just wondering with this situation.
" kenapa perempuan suka labelkan perempuan lain sebagai betina? Bukan ke betina tu untuk haiwan? Asalkan saya pun labelkan haiwan gender betina pun perempuan. Hehe..
Betina tu nampak macam slut sangat heh? If ada perempuan lain sakitkan hati 
perempuan, dia layak dipanggil betina? Haihh..kesian.
Dia tak belajar kat sekolah dulu untuk labelkan perempuan dan betina.
Tak baik labelkan manusia tu betina, betina tu untuk haiwan."

Like my friend said,
"cantik tu dipandang dari segi komunikasi kita, berbudi bahasa dan sopan santun 
pekerti, if percakapan kita buruk, as well as diri kita indirectly tak cantik."

I admire her.. Yes, her! Picture shown below. She had a very beautiful hair. 

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