Thursday, June 14

white man

Basically i didn't love english man. Because they are white man, i'm not crush into white man. For me white man is less attractive compare to asian man. Hee.. However people changed. I fell in love with rob pattinson, yang cerita twilight. Hee..dia sangatlah melted me bila dia senyum. Nice body!
 Second, andy carroll, liverpool player. Dia sangatlah besar, tinggi, dan ada senyuman yang sangat comel. With his long hair, dia nampak sempoii. 
Third is Chris hemsworth. I just called him Thor, hero dalam filem Thor. Big size, tall dan dia juga ada senyuman yang sangat comel. 
Jadi ketiga tiga white man ini ada persamaan iaitu senyuman yang comel.
I'm crazy with a man who have a lure smile. 

This is carroll my number 9
Despite he might be not anymore as a liverpool player, i will always into him.

P/s: sebab tu saya suke dengan alfi. Sebab dia ada senyuman yang comel. Hee..even he is not a white man. Luckily! 

P/s/s: saya tak kisah orang panggil saya kerempeng or bini popeye. Sebab bini popeye tu suami dia popeye. Popeye tu tough and strong, dia boleh pukul orang yang suka 
sakitkan  hati saya.  Meanwhile , kerempeng tu sebab diaorg jelez saya slim.  Diaorang nak badan macam saya. Im proud having kerempengbody, rather than ada kening bercantum then she need to shave and trim it. Kan dah kena ubah 
semata-mata  nak  nampak cantik. Atleast  saya natural beauty. ke? Im grateful for all the thing  Allah created. 
Okay till then. 

I blog with BE Write

1 'bebelness':

Ayu said...

hey samela. fall in luv at the first sight kat robert pattinson. sejak tu, bru kite sedar laki kulit putih pun ensem gak. bkn kulit sawo matang je. haha