Friday, February 15


Be patient.. sabar tu makanan kesihatan jiwa.
Orang tak sabar je akan jadi mental dan psycho.
So erin..sabar okay.
Masa tu nanti akan tiba.
If tak dapat tahan sabar..
Wudhu then nangis lah..
Cry cry cry

Im strong woman. Dush dush dush. :)

*blogging is my passion and i never creates liar stories here unlike twitter,fb, and instagram yg lagi bnyak kaki kelentong kat sana. That's why im not private my blog. What i served here is my life and never lie.. tak macam ada orang yang post kat blog then creates liar stories then baru nak delete post tu. Malu taw. :)

posted from Bloggeroid

0 'bebelness':