Wednesday, May 14

Diri part 2

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah, i really love my life. Even it's imperfect but i do it's happiness for me. I didn't need compliment instead of advices. 

Insulting... I already got used to that word. I just think it lightly. Sabar. Sabar tu penting. I rather put a smile on my face than telling to peoples how poor i am. Kesiankan lah pada diri nak meraih rasa kasihan orang lain pada diri sendiri.

Rasa loser. Tell peoples how strong you are, how daebakk you are, how independent you are, how kind hearted you are. Itu cerita bosan. Itu cerita hampeh. Itu cerita nak attention seeking

Kata pada diri, jangan jadi macam tu. Saya kan macam kura-kura. :)  muhasabah diri again. :) 

#alfi sangat comel. Saya pun sangat comel. Tutup mata malu malu. :)

0 'bebelness':