Tuesday, May 13

Teambuilding rhb

On 10th till 11th may masa tu saya pergi teambuilding rhb di port dickson. Saya, kak shanida, kak iza, and another 4 persons including my boss wakil dalam auto finance kl branch. 

First memang tak boleh nak join tapi my boss still suruh jugak, and dah include nama. So i have no reason coz on 17th also ada another slot of teambuilding. Tapi saya ada marathon, so tak boleh nak join. Time tu memang my colleagues ramai giler yang pergi.

Actually i'm lil bit bored. Sebab tak de kawan, cuma dah tahu roomate sape yang bakal saya duduk bersama nanti. Tapi tak pe, saya okay je. Hasilnya saya happy je after finish this teambuilding.

This is my 1st time wears this PRIDE tshirt:

Yang paling best when dinner that night, saya main limbo. And guess what? Saya menang okay! Saya nak put pic here tapi malu sebab saya rasa saya mcm jantan! 
Buruk betul pic saya masa main limbo. 

Dengan kaki and badan yang lentik, sebijik macam spiderman. Inappropriate okay! Tapi serius saya suka main limbo. At first macam tak caya jugak saya sampai tahap rendah macam tu. Abez badan and kaki sakit sebab paksa untuk lentur.

On monday plak my boss kecoh bising cakap pasal hebat and coolnya saya malam tu. Saya benci sebenarnya, tak suka. Tak tahu kenapa. Maybe sebab saya benci orang mulut banyak sangat kot. Rimas. One office okay kecoh. 

Overall activities kat situ saya enjoy. Even penat untuk creative and innovative. The most important part is bonding relations among us. Tu yang kena tingkatkan. 

And tadaa.. Please see the attachments:

Inilah team saya, ada big boss manager from penang branch, ada executives muda macam saya, ada  officer yang services more than 20 years in rhb. Tapi kami equally treat at here. Tak de pilih kasih. This is random choose untuk group ni. 

Last but not least, pic with my ex aeon credit. She bride to be this may. Congratulations!! 

Okay, got to go. Bye.

1 'bebelness':

paktam said...

Mcm penah tgk je hehe ... Saya pun rhb gak level 11 capsquare ... Pegi on 2nd slot :)