Monday, July 28

Syawal 2014


It's finally syawal! I got too much variety of feelings. Sad because of ramadhan will leave us and we can't expect is it next year we will get another ramadhan or not. 

Sad because of when i heard takbir, i will always start to depress. I remember her, my mum. We were not celebrate eid fitri because of her, things completely changed when she is gone.

Plus this 2nd syawal, is my engagement day. I wonder how wonderful when she's here with me, doing together hantaran for me. Sangat sedih.

Happy because i can meet my siblings, and share everythings, laughs as much as we can. Went to market shopping for raya. Tiredness to the max. Did jokes all the time. Plus this eid, i can meet awa. 

In a nutshell, raya will always be as simple as we can. We never did overload. Insyaallah. 

Psssttt. My heart beating fast. :) salam aidil fitri. Ampun maaf zahir dan batin 

0 'bebelness':