Monday, December 31

Determination 2013

Okay..I finished my list down of determination on 2013. Slighty changed from 2012. Weewee. Even last night I got something break down my feeling despite from that I need to stand still as move on for a life. Tsskk tsskk

Wish today 31122012 will be end happily and hye welcome 2013. Muah muah. I'm proud to be myself yang sangat kuat. I lost my beloved mum when I was seven..still child. Need a love from a mum. Masih perlu sangat and I can't even dapat rase ape tu sebenarnya erti ibu dalam kehidupan.

I raised by my sisters..dan saya tak tahu macam mana hidup tanpa ibu. Sangat jealous bila orang lain pergi sekolah ibu hantar and jemput. Bawa bekal pergi sekolah ibu masak. Ibu prepare baju and siapkan semua benda. Tapi saya tak..saya independent sangat..semua buat sendiri.

Tapi seven years rasa dah besar jugak..I'm sympathize with my younger sis..she in 4 years old when lost mt mu. Lagi independent. Saya sangat tabik springg dengan adik saya.

Now saya seriously rindu nak makan masakan dia..rindu nak tido sebelah dia sambil hug me tight. Rindu nak dia sikatkan rambut saya lagi. Rindu nak dia kata saya cantik. Ala...sangat rindu. Tskk tskkk. :(

Dahlah tak nak sedih. Happy day peoples :)

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Saturday, December 29

Bye 2012 hye 2013

Yeayy..we had celebrate farewell 2012 and say hello 2013. Exchange gift and I got multifunctional bowl however I think that's not suits with me currently so fuad want change it. So I got pillow zebra patterns. Yeayy..suke suke.. ahhh...I love works here at rhb bank. Thanks a lot for this precious happiness by working here. Cry cry a lot. Thank you allah for this gift. :)

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Thursday, December 27


Saya mahu senyum begini di sepanjang kehidupan saya. Saat saya senyum, saya senyum. Saat saya menangis, saya menangis.
Hidup..mesti ada cabaran. Takkan pernah ada manusia yang tak bersifat khilaf pada masa dulu atau sekarang. Takkan pernah ada manusia yang tidak melakukan dosa pada masa dulu atau sekarang.
Namun..semua itu ada jalannya.. sebab itu allah cipta syurga dan neraka. Otak yang adanya akal sempurna ini jalannya. Pilih untuk berubah atau tetap disitu.
Orang yang diluar sana..yang telah berubah..jangan dihina orang yang tetap disitu. Bimbing.
Nasihat. Tapi kenapa perlu gunakan kata makian atau ayat sumbang sumpah seranah?
Itu sama seperti orang yang tetap disitu sifatnya.
Tak perlu riak atau bersuara menyatakan kamu sudah berubah pada seluruh alam. Cukup pada allah kerana allah yang menentukan sama ada kamu benar-benar berubah atau tidak.
Hinanya diri kita hanya allah dan kamu saja yang tahu. Jadi tak perlu heboh mengatakan kamu sudah berubah dan bertaubat.
Itu sangat busuk sifatnya.
Jadikan saya perempuan yang ada sifat berubah itu..dan jauhkan saya dari sifat tetap disitu.

Reminder for myself. :'(
Counting for new year..remind to be a better.

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Wednesday, December 26


I miss dania batrisya.. I love baby!! Hmm..

Sleepy..good nite beautiful peoples :)
I miss alfi.. :(

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Tuesday, December 25


Yeayyy..I can't wait for 2013.
2013..number 13 that I really love.
I don't know why but this 13 I can feel related to me..macam ada connection.
Maybe sbb my name AZEREN NOOR AIN ada 13 angka. Sebab tu saya suka. Lagi satu sebab saya suka angka 3. Gandaan 3 dan ape saja dengan 3.

Untuk new year ni wish my stability in health, financial, beauty, career, love, family, and my faith.

My new year determination will be discuss at the other post. Now in the midst listing what I wanted to do in 2013. Huhu.

Okay..mahu date for a while. Perempuanbusuk see our happiness. Cry cry :) poor you :)

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Thursday, December 20


Such a beautiful date today. I'm blessed. Last night I sleep early at 9pm okay. Woke up when alfi call me and wish 27th months we have been couple. Below is what he post on his instagram:

Romantic right? Blush enough.
And I reply with:

Tu je idea yang ada..reply at 6.30am so memang zero idea. long as he stay with me that's more important.

I just watched clip video yuna ft kl kita. Saya mmg suka lagu tu then baru tahu ada clip video about #klkita. Sweet both of them. Ahh..patiently wait for weekend. Alfi and me will go to long journey.. I love u sayang. Not to forget happy 27th months. And I never afraid to be your wife. Never and never feel that a way. Insyaallah all in allah fate.

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Wednesday, December 19


To cut or not? Going short or trim only? Owhh..saya tak tahu. Half-half. Tapi headache sebab my hair dah panjang sgt. I never had long hair like now. Hmm..saya rasa comfortable dgn long hair meanwhile if short hair saya kena padankan baju apa yang sesuai. Sebab I sensitive with my neck..tak boleh luas di situ. Nanti rasa tak kena..rasa geli geli. hair..

Panjang kan..emm..tengah survey semua. Haih..woman delimma. Right now I felt so sleepy.yawn. nitez good peoples. Till then. :)

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Tuesday, December 18

Narrow minded peoples

Narrow-minded peoples will talks about other peoples. As a case study below where this people really have bad intention. Funny you know.

She sent request..owhh..what the heck is that? I not even know who she is. So I declined. About a week later I just know about other news. And here it is:

She called me bitchess..please spell it right. Bitch only if you really want to give this title for me. Still I'm not understand why she did it. is 'somebody' with that perempuan. Now I know. Funny okay use another person to fight me..then the worst thing is..

Okay..she overdid. please ya allah..matikan orang orang macam ini from me.Matikan mereka for me..everything they did towards me will be pay back.
Allah will repay it not me..coz I just a slave.

One more things..if really want to suck me out..spell my name nicely. Azeren noor ain everyone will know who really I am. And I will become popular. publicity..and narrow minded peoples like you all just give me happiness rather than suffer from what you all expecting. Okay. Till then bad peoples. Nitez nice peoples. 

Ohh.. Yes..this is that girl yang kata she is gorgeous. Plus her attitude is like iblis, synchronised her name abaleza. Muka innocent and asli, tapi hati? 

Conclusion: semua orang dapat lihat siapa dipihak yang betul dan siapa di pihak yang salah. So jagalah kata kata dan tingkah laku anda. Semua orang dapat nilai. :)

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Hee..shy shy cat..first time said I love you to a woman. Awkward tak? This post for you.

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Monday, December 17

15122012 till 16122012

Last weekend we went to bukit gambang resort. Hee..nice view but what I want rate here is..hmm..if you already go sunway lagoon, lost world of tambun, bukit merah laketown, and so on waterpark...I advice, no need to go was disappointed because I expect too much ahout that waterpark. I even can't have a wet clothes. Pergi macam tu..macam tu lah balik. Cry cry. However thank you for this happy vacation.

Happy lah sebab dengan tadaaa..we not capture any images to portrait..just my picture.

Okay..till then.

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Saturday, December 15


Hati ini kan terasa sepi
Tanpa senyuman indah yang meruntumkan jiwa
Jadi kelam dunia bila kau menjauh

Bukan cinta membahagiakan
Hanya keihklasan di dalam hati mu
Untuk merasakan ikatan hati kita

Ku ingin kau berada disisi ku
Dalam waktu sukar atau bahagia
Oh cinta panjatkanlah pinta hamba ini

Cinta kau berikanlah kekuatan
untuk meniti cubaan dari mu
Semoga hari kami kembali menyinari
Jalan ini

(Kembali by akim ft stacy)

I just wish this relationship will eternity. May all the things going smoothly even being hatred by others :( . However allah know about all the things happening.

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Friday, December 14


Bottom of my heart. :)

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Thursday, December 13


Oppss..perasaan..sedih..hampa..tak mahu tengok..biarkan benda ni berlalu..malaysia..
U only my country..selamanyaharimaumalaya.

Nitez good peoples :)

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Wednesday, December 12


See my ballon still have an air inside it. Another two ballons dah distribute kat diaorang. Hee..hmm..bosanlah workplace..ramai orang annual leave..abiskan annual turn awal2 lagi dah abez then another one day will be on next week.

Yeayy!!! Today is 121212. Synchronized kan. Tapi saya tak suka angka 12. Saya suka gandaan 3, 13, 23..everything about 3 saya suka. My colleagues plak plan nak pegi tioman on February next year. Minta minta jadi dan xde pape halangan..

Saya tinggalkan alfi..hee..xpenah pergi tanpa alfi. So nak try jugak. Itupun dia sibuk kata dia bagi pegi if semua pempuan..kalau laki pegi..dia nak pegi sekali. Hee.. protective betul.

I miss u! Ceh..xde kena mengena. Bye2 121212.

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Tuesday, December 11


Next gateway is.....tadaaa..

Alhamdulillah..rezeki masih ada untuk travel. So after this work hard then save money okay!! Kaching! Kaching!

For next year on june we planned a big vacation. Then on september our love month..another big plan will coming. Hee..sama ada saya akan pakai cincin di jari manis or tak so wait and see. Tapi saya tak suka pakai cincin. :( ohh no..

If dah bought flight ticket then kita akan berusaha untuk simpan duit. Dreams nak pegi UK have to cancel sebab not enough time to save money.

Like we did for sabah vacation..singapore vacation. And now hong kong vacation. Yeayy..wish everything will be as a planned..

Mesti saya asyik berangan je nanti..hmm..terbayang bayang hong kong disneyland, madam tussauds and etc. my previous post..I wanna be mam besar. Pasal semua iternary, places, rooms, tu semua alfi's responsibility.

I just need to say yes or no. Senang kan..sebab dia yang nak sangat pergi HK. Jadi dia lah yang kena plan. Yeayy..saya malas nak peningkan kepala..saya cuma couple mate dia untuk travel. Hehehe..okay saya dah start rindu baby dania batrisya. Smooch smooch!

Till then. Bye.

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Monday, December 10

Malaysian truly malaysian

Hee..alfi and me went to the stadium for malaysia vs thailand. It was raining and I wears rain coat..just thinking this game will be hard for all players if heavy rain. Kesian diaorang. Tapi like they said "busuk busuk pahlawanku".

Okaylah malaysia thailand draw. Wish they will bermati matian for the game in thailand this 13th. Pray for them. Haihh..penatnya. after balik dari kluang terus head to bukit jalil yang super duper jammed.

I just love mahali jasuli as he is so incredible and have a high spiritual. I believe he will be a great player one day if he keep the best momentum.

Haihh..stop for harimau malaya.. now alfi and me in the midst diskuz about our travelling to hong kong. Heee...hong kong plak. But it still in discussion and not yet officially. Saya nak jadi mam besar..biar dia uruskan semua. So just wait and see..yeayyy!!!

Okay nitez good peoples. Nitez alfi shahrin.
Oppsss...that perempuan sudah senyap..yeayyy...memanglah mulut orang tak boleh ditutup sampailah dia akan stop sendiri sebab penat. Penat sebab kami tak layan. deserve for that. Nitez ya bad peoples too..

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Saturday, December 8


Yeayyy..finally I can be a good babysitter. Hee.
So comel nia. I'm tired with her hyperactive nature however I could manage it..after she got tired and have susu finally she was surrender. Tak pasal2 terus landing on my body, get my pillow dan pejam mata.

Then tak sampai 2minutes dia da tetido. Heee..yeayy..thank you nia. Tak susahkan cik ain ni. Meh kisss meh. Sakit my body.

Comel kan her cheeks yang montel.. mesti saya rindu kat nia nanti.. abg nia faris tak banyak karenah. Dia layan youtube je lagi tadi.

Nasib semua okay.. so mission accomplished. Tomorrow will be back to kl. Muah muah.

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Hye!!! Now I'm on my way to kluang..yeayy!!! However I cant meet awa..coz I need to take care of my nephew and niece. I will be a babysitter. Hee...I can't imagine need to treat them for 6hours. Owhhh..macam mana. Last nite siap mimpi saya jaga diaorang. Sorang cry cry..sorang lagi notty sangat hyperactive main.

Owhh..sis you got wrong person to take care of your childs.. haha. Hmmm...I just want to warn person out there. Don't ever speak up about someone you never know anything their life, history, , family and whatsoever things. My late mum is a late mum. Dont you know meaning of late mum?

She never have business with no need to said about grave and poor she is have a daughter like me. You said it and it same goes to you.. poor father to have daughter like you.. everything will comes to you soon.

So chill babe! Educated people will think about great things some more uneducated will think about people they get jealous.. owhhh...I need take a nap first. Bubye good peoples.

Saya dah start rindu alfi..

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Ballons be happy

Just from my ofis where rhbians like a mascot for maxis? During my lunch hour we noticed that maxis doing some promotion. Ohh actually it was a survey for their products. Everyone got ballons and gift. So do same with ours. yang funny things was diaorang tak suruh buat survey pun tapi kitaorang volunteer nak buat. Coz of what? Sbb nk dapat gift and ballons.

Tapi I tak okay. I kan shy shy I tunggu diaorang outside..tak pepasal ada guy yang bwk ballons n gift approached me..terus bagi gift and ballons. First of all he said he give me two ballons (grey color) I said is it okay if I got two? Then he replied dont worry but I will take the green color for you. Saya pun tunggulah..layan je.

Dia bagi green color then I bagi balik grey color tu pada dia. I thought everyone just can take 1ballon for one person. Then he said its okay..I hope this ballons will cheering your life today and everyday. So saya apa lagi..said thanx very much and terus jerit pada my ofismate..yeayyy I got three ballons!

Haha..saya mmg suka ballons..diaorg tak puas hati sbb sy x buat survey tapi dapat ballons. Hehe...thanx to that guy yang cheering my life today with all the ballons and I really love it.
I appreciate everything happens in my life.

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Friday, December 7


It's Friday eventually. I know when I wears baju kurung means it's time for Friday. Yeayy.
Why I love friday so much? Sebab ini hari last untuk bekerja...okay..jom kerja dengan semangat! Stop blogging. Keep handphone coz audit is coming.

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Wednesday, December 5


I wish I'll be strong and never ever give up when someone bring me down. I will put up my face and strongly said I'm strong! I'm not what you thinking! I don't care if you made up bad story about me as long as I'm still in faith. Not like you all did. Bad story sometimes give good perception by others. It's so boring if only good things push here. Macamlah kamu malaikat..padahal malaikat bertopeng iblis like your name. Only allah knows everything. Till then.

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Tuesday, December 4


Okay. Out. Bye.

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Chat with my sayang. Thank you sayang for all the advices. I didn't search for someone perfect even he is bad like a devil or long as he perfect for me. Coz I know I'm not perfect too. I'm not an angel to be kind with everyone or to be nice like a hypocrite.

I'm erin's way. If a good mankind based on their look only but busukkkk inside tak guna okay. Better someone which is devil outside however angel inside. That's better okay. So up to you all. Everyone got different thinking.

I need to freeze like an iceberg.. omg..I miss ice age movie.. ehh..xde kena mengena entah pape.

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Monday, December 3


Fitnah..fitnah tu lagi teruk dari membunuh.
Even saya tak sekolah agama..saya tahu semua benda tu. Saya tak sekolah agama..tapi saya tahu islam suruh umatnya buat benda baik dan hindarkan benda buruk.

So apa je benda buruk saya cuba hindarkan. Simple. Bila dah buat benda buruk..cuba improve myself. haihh..malazlah nak gaduh2.
Dosa kita..dosa kite sendiri..yup..I include my dad too..sebab saya masih incomplete buat benda baik. Maybe one day.

In other words, I lost many things many times in my life..but in that lost today I aspire for the value of gain. Saya wanita yang kuat. Yeayy!!! Minum milo please..cehhh...xde kena mengena.

Out. Bubye.

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Sunday, December 2


Yeayyy..last nite was superb! That was prayers from all malaysians at the end won over indonesia. Alfi and me at the stadium enjoyed watching the game..However he need to rush for going other place after this game. Hmm..baru one day he going to segamat I'm started missing you. Please drive carefully. I need you.

Okay..on friday alfi and me went to setapak for durian crepe. I already ordered from one of this blogger. Nama dia irma. Hee..sedap! But alfi not soo love it. Because he said..he confuse about the taste.. durian..creme..dan kuih.

Haha..dia orang kampung. Okay..sorry. just kidding. life completely awesome with everyone arounds me.. I love you all!. Tadaaa...

And yeeayy..happy december good peoples!

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