Thursday, December 20


Such a beautiful date today. I'm blessed. Last night I sleep early at 9pm okay. Woke up when alfi call me and wish 27th months we have been couple. Below is what he post on his instagram:

Romantic right? Blush enough.
And I reply with:

Tu je idea yang ada..reply at 6.30am so memang zero idea. long as he stay with me that's more important.

I just watched clip video yuna ft kl kita. Saya mmg suka lagu tu then baru tahu ada clip video about #klkita. Sweet both of them. Ahh..patiently wait for weekend. Alfi and me will go to long journey.. I love u sayang. Not to forget happy 27th months. And I never afraid to be your wife. Never and never feel that a way. Insyaallah all in allah fate.

posted from Bloggeroid

0 'bebelness':