Hee..alfi and me went to the stadium for malaysia vs thailand. It was raining and I wears rain coat..just thinking this game will be hard for all players if heavy rain. Kesian diaorang. Tapi like they said "busuk busuk pahlawanku".
Okaylah malaysia thailand draw. Wish they will bermati matian for the game in thailand this 13th. Pray for them. Haihh..penatnya. after balik dari kluang terus head to bukit jalil yang super duper jammed.
I just love mahali jasuli as he is so incredible and have a high spiritual. I believe he will be a great player one day if he keep the best momentum.
Haihh..stop for harimau malaya.. now alfi and me in the midst diskuz about our travelling to hong kong. Heee...hong kong plak. But it still in discussion and not yet officially. Saya nak jadi mam besar..biar dia uruskan semua. So just wait and see..yeayyy!!!
Okay nitez good peoples. Nitez alfi shahrin.
Oppsss...that perempuan sudah senyap..yeayyy...memanglah mulut orang tak boleh ditutup sampailah dia akan stop sendiri sebab penat. Penat sebab kami tak layan. Heee...you deserve for that. Nitez ya bad peoples too..
posted from Bloggeroid
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