Tuesday, December 25


Yeayyy..I can't wait for 2013.
2013..number 13 that I really love.
I don't know why but this 13 I can feel related to me..macam ada connection.
Maybe sbb my name AZEREN NOOR AIN ada 13 angka. Sebab tu saya suka. Lagi satu sebab saya suka angka 3. Gandaan 3 dan ape saja dengan 3.

Untuk new year ni wish my stability in health, financial, beauty, career, love, family, and my faith.

My new year determination will be discuss at the other post. Now in the midst listing what I wanted to do in 2013. Huhu.

Okay..mahu date for a while. Perempuanbusuk see our happiness. Cry cry :) poor you :)

posted from Bloggeroid

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