Tuesday, December 3

Pathetic part 1

Being annoying is better instead of being pathetic. 

Loser to tell everyone about their sad stories or being pathetic on their created stories to others. Allah kan ada, yes indeed. But how close your relations with Him? How about your ibadah towards Him? Setakat kata allah kan ada tapi diri tu masih lagi melakukan keburukan, better check our disciplines and practices of islam.

# pandai plagiat others words tapi tak pandai melaksanakan pada diri sendiri.

1 'bebelness':

Mangkuk tingkat said...

You have ur words girl.. Manusia ni suke tnjuk alim dgn kata2.. Pndi nk nsht tp diri sndiri x tgk.. Thu nk update je kat stus or share pdhl dlm hati kosong.