Thursday, December 5

Pathetic part 2

Being happy go lucky is better instead of being pathetic. 

Happy with your surroundings, peoples, things and yes weather. Loser when someone keep updating about sadness, hardness, problematic and nahh.. What the hell are you doing? 

It is pathetic! So lets we just inform our happiness, joy, hugging, and sometimes feel of missing someone special. Haihh..
I really miss awa. Currently i watching "the strange housekeeper" a korean series drama, and a cute little girl in that drama always make me cry. She make me cry becoz she looks like awa. 

She makes my day. If i can whisper to her right now, i want she listen how truly sincere my feelings. Okay, nuniteZ beautiful :) 

* tak tahu malu mention nama orang yang dah dikeji then kata sweet moment, hah?? Pathetic typical :p * 

See.. I'm :p for pathetic person. Be a better one azeren noor ain :) i love u awa.

0 'bebelness':