Monday, December 9

Singapore part 2

Weekend yang lepas, alfi and me went to singa pura2. Thehehe.. Kiteorang pegi dgn daus and his gf mayo. Car pool. Seronok sbb dah lama tak double date. 

1st tujuan pegi sana sbb alfi ada match dgn rhb singapore kat yishun stadium. Kiteorang stay kat apartment pdrm, akak mayo punya apartment. Because of mayo tak de passport so, i je yang ikut diaorang pegi tengok match at 5pm. 

Tour guide kiteorang kali ni, panjang.. Dia stay kat jb tapi kerja singapore. After match, kiteorang makan kat zam zam restaurant. Makan murtabak singapore. Kira awesome lah jugak. Harga tak berapa nak sure coz kiteorng tak change sin dollar, so panjang bayar dulu pkai duit dia. 

Kira this trip memang tak rase nak jalan singapore sbb before this dah pernah pergi kan.. Nothing much happening at singapore well said. Hehe. Tadaaa... As usual pics show more than words.

Alfi demokkk.

At zam zam restaurant.

With all the gangs. This trip was enjoying when peoples trying to know each other, hugg and kiss each other, laughs and share stories, instead of being pathetic? 

Thethehee.. Lagi best if ada panjang's gf, daus's gf. Tak delah im bored with wifey stories and gossips coz i'm not in their shoes. Okay, nunitez. 

0 'bebelness':