Friday, March 21

Bibir ceri melati

Yeayy i got bibir ceri melati after seksi ovari. I don't care sooo much about the writer, but i care her writings and thoughts. Here is i didn't want to see anyone who is famous, take a photo or get an autographs. What i want here is i paid for her books and i got precious writings. Alhamdulillah. My feeling is i feel super good with this book. Hehe.. So tadaa.. While waiting for alfi done with his job and i take a photo with monopod. Agak poyo jugaklah..

Today i took half day. Saja-saja. Ngada-ngada. Bosan. So mengacau alfi yang kerja ni. Nah!! Bosan melampau. 

I just want to be grateful coz allah always give me something i never ask. Rasa nak nangis sebab saya sebagai hambanya tak pernah nak berubah untuk jadi baik, padahal Allah baik sangat dengan saya. :(  

0 'bebelness':