Sunday, March 2

Why we need to wear hijab

Bismillah and very good day alls!

Now i knew why we need to cover ourself. When hijab is important in islam. 

~ rasa lebih secure and tak ada mata2 jahat pandang kita. As long as kita pakai hijab follow basic islamic way. 

~ rasa lebih dihargai, sebab orang lain pandang kita dengan pemikiran positive.

~ rasa satu kepuasan bila saya ikut ajaran islam dengan kuatkan dalam diri yang saya juga mampu berubah. Saya degil sangat okay! 

~ rasa satu ketenangan yang bila kita pakai hijab, semua benda tertutup. Even panas malaysia melampau, tapi itu semua dugaan kat dunia, is it? 

Though i love when i decided my mind to change, and it was not just myself. I did it  because of allah. Ya allah, please ease everything. 

And tadaa.. At first i didnt love this watch, however i changed my set and first time see this watch, i fell in love. Thanks to alfi. This is not show off but this is sort of an appreciation. Thanks again, and mucho gracias! 

0 'bebelness':