Thursday, May 17

D a n c e

After dinner i didnt have nothing to do, tomorrow heaven for me. I got 4 days annual leave..yeayy!!! but i decided not going back to hometown coz i will be back on june. So my leave will fully added with sleeping. Yeayy!! And i started goggle everything, reached youtube and my fingers type for para para sakura.
Had tutor for para para sakura dance and i dance together with them. Hell yeah, para para sakura dance was too fast and i'm not synchronize with them. So i searched for ayumi hamasaki dance. Still remember during my uni life, this dance was so popular. My gang and me practice this dance and success okay!
Its fun, and tonight i'm sweating by only dance for para para sakura and ayumi hamasaki. Memang tak de keje. Why you so active on the night? However my mind not here actually. Hoping everything in the right lane. Amin. Alfi already back to kl, alhamdulillah. Yeayy..
I got this picture from somewhere i dont remember, this place at semporna, sabah. I wish i can step down here and also kinabalu mountain.

Till then, bye.
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