Tuesday, May 22

Smiley kite

1rejab! Heppi fasting and i just break my fasting with nasi lemak plus extra nasi lemak, chicken and eggs. Wahh!! I'm so full. Now my eyes started to small and smaller. So total need to replace my fasting is only three days. Yeayy..you can do it erin.

My body still in pain after went to broga. Alfi laughing at me, tulah nak sangat pergi broga. If i want to go downstairs or upstairs, perform solat and sit down, that was killing me. Be patient is only the way.

Sudden i really miss to play a kite. I got one at alfi's car. The smile kite one. I want! And really want. When i can play a smiley kite?

Hee..hoping i can play it again. Before this with ayu and alfi, i miss that moment. Hmm.. Please fullfill my cravingness. :) till then, bye.

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0 'bebelness':