Tuesday, December 31

End of 2013

2013 too many things happened. Mostly it were bitter things and tragedies. However i didn't fuck up myself, i didn't blame it to Allah, i didn't wanted to kill myself. 

Instead of that i wanted to build strong emotions, strong mentality, be a better person in and out. I get a courage from hardship and hardness. Thanks to allah for giving me an opportunities still breathing. 

Even 2013, i got family problems when awa far away from me, my family in tough situations, however it gave our sweetness. Everything happened have rainbow finally. 

I wish and my determination in 2014 are i just want to be happy with everyone around me, and be a good muslimah. Please open my heart for a good one. I really wanted i have sincere heart to wears hijab. Amin. 

And tadaa.. Happy new year :)  i got my present! 

Monday, December 30

Petzl trail night run 2013

End of this year, so many things comes to me. Either happy or sad, i dont care. As long as i'm still able to face it. Minggu lepas minggu yang sangat memenatkan. When my sis having chicken pox, so i need to send her at my sis house in kedah. In one day, alfi need to rush and how tired we are. Thanks sayang sebab ada susah and senang. 

Kesian my sis, saya pun belum kena lagi chicken pox so saya tak boleh jaga dia sebab saya tak tahu nak jaga dia camne. Solution is kena hantar dia ke rumah my sis. Harap2 dia cepat sembuh. 

Then i plak joined petzl marathon trail night run, this is my first time trail run okay, malam plak tu with head light yang seriously menyemak kat kepala tu. Then naik turun bukit bukau. Memang sycho myself untuk keep running. I never quit okay, keep running and running. 

It was so challenging, tapi i prefer road than trail, rase cam nak nangis2. Kenapa my shoes kena masuk muds? Kenapa saya kena tersepak batu and tersadung tergolek2. Without someone i know yang bersama saya. Saya sorang2 berdikari dalam hutan tu. Huh.

For information, alfi just tunggu kat finish line je okay. Hehe..padahal suppose saya yang demam and flu ni yang tak lari. Tapi dia plak tak lari. So satu pengalaman yang best. Sebab saya sycho diri sendiri untuk terus lari sampai finishing line. Sempatlah borak2 dengan kakak2 yang join tu, semua merungut sebab pusing2 je rupanya trail run tu. 

Haih.. Tapi best! Jadi tamatlah misi saya 2013 untuk join at least 2 marathon within this year. Yeayy!! Tepuk2 bahu sendiri. Okay, ni je pic yang ada. Tadaa

Before run

After run

Along the trail, saya asyik running nose je, so kena hembuskan my mucus banyak kali. Euwww.. Tapi nak wat camne. Degil kan nak lari jugak. Alfi plak just jadi my cheerleading man! Thanks sayang for a great accompanying and never be flat on the boring part of waiting your super duper slow tortoise ni. I love u so much. Hehe.. Okay, thats all. After this wish more comes marathon will i envolve.  Nunitez. 

Tuesday, December 24

Erin pergi bukit tabur

On sunday we went to "crystal hill" or known as "bukit tabur". After broga hill now turn to crystal hill. Located near taman melawati, and we start hike around 8.30 am. Yeayy.. Serious cantik sangat view dia. 

First feeling is saya takut juga sebab latest news yang one private teacher accidentally slipped over the hill. Dead. Haihh.. Takut sebab one day before tu hujan non stop so saya takut keadaan licin might be will be happen. Tapi tulah, ajal maut tak tahu bila. 

So saya kuatkan semangat sebab tujuan saya untuk lihat kecantikan alam dan untuk kesihatan tubuh badan. Bukan ape, on 28th dec ni ada marathon petzl trail running. Ni kira sebagai warm up lah. Padahal tak lah extreme sangat warm up nya, dah macam cool up plak. 

Seriously bukit tabur cantik sangat plus tengok sekeliling kuala lumpur. Rasa cam nyamannya. Then saya still rasa gerun sebab bukit tu batu2 kan, batu nya tajam. Tangan saya berdarah kot sebab batu dia tajam. Rasanya macam kena wall climbing plak, sebab saya rasa kena macam climb rocks.

Even saya bukan minah poyo wall climbing or ale ale person punya orang, tehehehe... Kelakar plak. But still saya ada semangat nak try. Saya tak suka rosakkan kuku tangan saya :(  sorry. 

Now pics show more than words: maafkan muka baru bangun tido, dengan rambut basah lagi sebab rushing mandi, dengan tak tight up rambut. Tak cantik langsung okay saya time tu. :( 

I tengok one of this blogger, dia kata nak panjat crystal hill ni agak susah compare mount kinabalu. Susah dari segi kepakaran, kat sini kena banyak expertise yang indeed in need. Haih.. Tak tahulah, semua orang berbeza kan. 

Okay, tu je. Wish next marathon saya akan okay, 10km first time untuk trail running. Never do that. Chaiyo!! 

Wednesday, December 18

Awa part 4

Bila saya lihat budak kecik ini, saya automatically ingat awa. Dia serius gaya macam awa. Mata dia. Hidung dia. Gigi dia. Cara dia. Satu cara yang sama ialah cara dia menangis. I'm tired when watching this drama. Mata saya akan bengkak menangis. Budak kecik ni semua scenes dia ada part menangis. Ni lah budak kecik tu:

Saya plak tu tak boleh tengok orang nangis, mesti nangis sekali gus. Apa yang ada dalam hati saya cuma satu je sekarang ni... Saya rindukan awa sangat2. Saya tak nak nangis lagi. Saya kena kuat. Saya tahu awa ada kat sana. 
Dan ni plak adik kesayangan saya:

Ya allah, hilangkan rindu yang kuat ini. Berikan kekuatan untuk menempuhi rindu ini. :'(  nunitez beautiful :'(

Saturday, December 14

Lebih indah

Terlihat tika adanya
Titisan hujan begitu resam alam
Perlu ada kepelbagaian
Cabaran dan dugaan
Membuat hidup lebih indah

Di sekelilingmu ada dinding dinding 
Yang menghadangi dan menghalangi
Di sekelilingmu ada laut - laut 
Yang menghampari dan merintangi
Jiwa serta raga
Cinta jiwa cinta
Kau harunginya
Kau harunginya

Purnama jingga
Cantiknya.. di langit senja
Warnanya yang tercipta dari debu zarah udara
Mengajar hidup kita ragam tak menghasil yang indah..

You live your life to the fullest. Don't stop happiness come out from negative energy, heyy, be happy girl :) . Song from siti, im not her fan but i do love all her songs. Lagu ni macam give positive energy. :) 

Monday, December 9

Singapore part 2

Weekend yang lepas, alfi and me went to singa pura2. Thehehe.. Kiteorang pegi dgn daus and his gf mayo. Car pool. Seronok sbb dah lama tak double date. 

1st tujuan pegi sana sbb alfi ada match dgn rhb singapore kat yishun stadium. Kiteorang stay kat apartment pdrm, akak mayo punya apartment. Because of mayo tak de passport so, i je yang ikut diaorang pegi tengok match at 5pm. 

Tour guide kiteorang kali ni, panjang.. Dia stay kat jb tapi kerja singapore. After match, kiteorang makan kat zam zam restaurant. Makan murtabak singapore. Kira awesome lah jugak. Harga tak berapa nak sure coz kiteorng tak change sin dollar, so panjang bayar dulu pkai duit dia. 

Kira this trip memang tak rase nak jalan singapore sbb before this dah pernah pergi kan.. Nothing much happening at singapore well said. Hehe. Tadaaa... As usual pics show more than words.

Alfi demokkk.

At zam zam restaurant.

With all the gangs. This trip was enjoying when peoples trying to know each other, hugg and kiss each other, laughs and share stories, instead of being pathetic? 

Thethehee.. Lagi best if ada panjang's gf, daus's gf. Tak delah im bored with wifey stories and gossips coz i'm not in their shoes. Okay, nunitez. 

Thursday, December 5

Pathetic part 2

Being happy go lucky is better instead of being pathetic. 

Happy with your surroundings, peoples, things and yes weather. Loser when someone keep updating about sadness, hardness, problematic and nahh.. What the hell are you doing? 

It is pathetic! So lets we just inform our happiness, joy, hugging, and sometimes feel of missing someone special. Haihh..
I really miss awa. Currently i watching "the strange housekeeper" a korean series drama, and a cute little girl in that drama always make me cry. She make me cry becoz she looks like awa. 

She makes my day. If i can whisper to her right now, i want she listen how truly sincere my feelings. Okay, nuniteZ beautiful :) 

* tak tahu malu mention nama orang yang dah dikeji then kata sweet moment, hah?? Pathetic typical :p * 

See.. I'm :p for pathetic person. Be a better one azeren noor ain :) i love u awa.

Tuesday, December 3

Pathetic part 1

Being annoying is better instead of being pathetic. 

Loser to tell everyone about their sad stories or being pathetic on their created stories to others. Allah kan ada, yes indeed. But how close your relations with Him? How about your ibadah towards Him? Setakat kata allah kan ada tapi diri tu masih lagi melakukan keburukan, better check our disciplines and practices of islam.

# pandai plagiat others words tapi tak pandai melaksanakan pada diri sendiri.

Monday, December 2

Awa part 3

Kau manusia,
Kau tak boleh ada semua. 

Kau cuma pinjaman yang akan dipulangkan bila tiba saat sesuai

Kau pergi tanpa kau tahu bila kau pergi
Kau cuma perlu bersyukur. 

* saya rindu awa * :'(

Saturday, November 30

Awa part 2

I think i keep writing about awa.
In this blog, instagram and facebook too, awa will be my topics. 
Seriously saya sayang sangat kat awa,
Sayang saya pada awa susah nak gambarkan. 
Saya sedih sangat sedih
She was leaving on a jet plane
Before this dia kat kluang but still saya rasa dia dekat dengan saya
Bila dia di sana, ya allah.. Saya rasa sangat sunyi. 
I dreams about her. When i woke up, i cried. Sedih.
Saya bagi dia jam tangan as a gift and i want her remember our moments.
I will ever miss you awa. 
Saya cuba untuk tak rindu dengan awa sekuatnya tapi saya lemah. 
Saya rindukan bebelan dia.
Saya rindukan suara dia.
Saya rindukan manja dia.
Saya rindukan nakal dia.
Saya rindukan pelukan dan ciuman dia.
Lepas ni, siapa lagi yang akan cakap, 
"Sayang ain, rindu ain".
Dari budak kecik?
Yang selalu tanya, 
"Ain kat sini bape hari? " 
Yang selalu merungut if saya cuti sekejap je. Yang selalu menghitung hari saya balik jumpa dia.

Kenapa ye saya rasa saya macam ada perasaan seorang ibu pada awa?
Saya rasa saya tak boleh berpisah dengan awa. 
Ya allah, jadikan saya kuat untuk rindu ini. 

Awa yang suka hug my pillow or my bear. Dia suka sebab bau wangi. Dia adik manja saya. Nur ilyana najwa. 

Thursday, November 28


Keep looking into my eyes
I never lie with my words
Feeling me towards you are never change
On the first day we met till this minutes,
You always be my love and my badang.
Hey, i love you. :)

From kaz ishak:

Orang bijak santun katanya
Orang baik sederhana perilakunya
Orang cantik merendah dirinya
Orang bodoh update status melulu je kerjanya.  :)

From halaqah:

Sudah sudahlah orang kata. Malu malu lah dengan keaiban diri. Simpan simpanlah kebaikan, simpan simpanlah keburukan. Allah tahu diri kita. Hanya allah tahu rahsia kita. Jangan fikir taubat tu terus diterima, istiqamah. Jangan riak. Jangan ingat kita dah taubat, taubat tu terus diterima, malah perlu rendah diri. :)

Insyaallah. Coming soon :)

Monday, November 25

Rhb annual grand dinner 2013

Hye!! Last night was held annual dinner for rhb bank. Include for retail banking and islamic banking. So my colleagues and i joined that dinner. Once a year pun kadang2 susah nak dapat, so why not we grab an opportunity. Hey, it's free eating okay, so i want to try a hotel's menu. Hmm.. However it's beyond my expectations. Event grand, but foods only 3 out of 5 stars i can give.

First of all theme for that night is fairytale. For me that theme is easy to dress up, mestilah sebab fairytale. It was like "today was a fairytale, i wore a dress" hah macam taylor swift punya lagu. For sure ramai yang pakai dress konon cinderella, snow white, rapunzel and cleopatra. Tapi i? 

I cuma bought a black chiffon layered dress rm40, vincci pumpshoes rm25, flowery hairscarf rm7, and curly hair rm25. So total under rm100 and i can use all those things in future and my daily basic. I tak rent costume mcm diaorang buat. 

Nak pergi makan je, thehehe.. Padahal takde bajet kau ye? Zaman 'princess of the night' dulu i dah pernah rasa. So dah malas kot nak over dress. Simple and easy to move. Itu pun alfi bising sbb sibuk nak pergi salon. Dia boleh kata ' i lebih suka u yang dulu' what?? 

I cuma temporary curl kot, bukan permanent. Haisshh.. Kelakar. Bila i pakai lipstick red color pun dia kata tak payah pakai. Macam mana i nak kawen nanti? Tak payah make up ke? Nak i simple sangat? Laki ni kadang tak paham. 

Overall i enjoying this dinner. Anuar zain as an artist for that nite. Semua gila nak pergi kat anuar zain include me!! Hehe. So tadaaa.. Pictures say more than words. 

Important thing was i realized here, rhb staff sangat sporting, they enjoying themselves. Work keep it aside and when party, they really make it till drop. Haihh.. Sure like me. I love to be here. :) okay, nunitez beautiful peoples :)

Wednesday, November 20

Freaky me

I used to think before i am the weirdest and freaks in this life. However when think twice i know allah will create same character and condition as me. I just wish i will meet them and feel happy to be what we are. I'm unorganized, complicated, messy, clumsy, freaks, angry, bad hearted. 

All aspects of bad attitudes, i'm deserved! Yes. Sometimes i just want to sleep and nothing can wake me up untill i get boring to sleep. Will i? 
Ya allah, i need to rest. My mind, my soul. 
And i know the answer is pray. No need to give me the answer. :(  freaky me. 

* hati kena tulus, hidup baru lurus

Nak jadi patung boleh? Saya tak nak ada perasaan. Saya nak jadi patung. 

Sunday, November 17

Wedding huda

On 16th nov my best friend, huda.. Getting married. Yeayyy!! Alhamdulillah. I'm happy for your happiness huda. Wish this marriage will be eternity till jannah. Amin. So layan jelah pics ni. 

Sangat happy dapat jumpa diaorang sume. 3down, left 3 ongoing. Semoga jodoh kami bertiga sampai cepat. Amin. Kluang high school clan yang dah lama saya tak jumpa, padahal sume dekat2 tapi biasalah masa tak pernah ada. 

I love u all so much. I always remember high school clan. :) tadaa.. I'm so fortune girl. Nunitez. 

Monday, November 11

Sis convocation

Today i'm on leave sebab kena attend my sis convocation kat uitm shah alam. Alhamdulillah all went well, alfi and i jadi parents my sis masuk dalam dewan. 

Kesian my sis sebab my family semua tak dapat datang. How i wish i can spend time more with her. Insyaallah. I plan nak ajak dia pergi singapore. Uss again maybe? In planning. 

However, i'm so happy for u, ain cuma harap rina akan jadi graduate yang berilmu, matang, dan jangan sia2 kan future. Ilmu dah ada, jadi pemikiran pun kena seiring. We are born to be educate people and dont waste your lifetime with useless things. 

And tadaa.. Pics show more than words :

Saya plak yang excited lebih sebab nak sangat minion tu, dulu masa konvo tak de minion macam tu, so turn rina punya konvo saya bagilah dia. 

Owh one more thing, saya and alfi will join marathon end of december. Yeah, insyaallah kalau jadi, so saya punya azam untuk join 2 marathon atleast this year akan tercapai :) okay, nunitez beautiful peoples.

Thursday, October 31

Forgive each other

Ask for forgiving is not with a method via facebook, instagram, blog or twitter without mention the person.
Ask that person, personally you seek for forgiving. 
Idiots peoples do such things.
Ask first then whether he or she want to forgive or not, that's not an objective.
As long as you did because of allah.
Idiots do that because of ego.
Remember that ego will not going anywhere, you will stick with your low dignity. 
I wrote this because me as a human who keep remember each other to be a better happy life. So do i. 

Wednesday, October 30


In this life, wall of fame it's doesn't matter,
After world, allah will never count how many likes or how many comments on your social networks wall. 
Don't be down to earth if you are not popular, because all those things just give you damn shit feelings of temporary happiness.
Just be moderate and lively happy without tell the world how happy you are.
Be mature. Be cool. 

I'm not anti social. No not really.
Tadaa.. YNWA. 

Sunday, October 27

He is

He is the coolest man i ever know
When he speaks, he walks, he smiles,
All that things make me fell in love
He love make me laughs with his extremely jokes.
He love make me touchs with his power words.
He love to arrange our future which i feel secure with him.
Just sometime he a little bit slow.
But i know he plans something big for ours. 
Thank you allah for this met. :)